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单词 sacred
sacred/′seɪkrɪd/ adj

(1)神的,宗教的(connected with religion or with God or a god)[无comp]:the~writings of the Christian religion/of Islam 基督教/伊斯兰教的经典;~music/art/history/buildings 宗教音乐/艺术/历史/建筑物;~churches/places/elephants 神圣的教堂/圣地/神象;a~rite/image 礼拜式/圣像;

(2)神圣的,不可侵犯的(regarded as too important to be changed or interfered with)[A(to)]:things~to the devout Christians 虔诚的基督教徒认为神圣的东西;The cat was considered~in ancient Egypt. 古埃及时期猫被认为是神圣的。Nothing is~to these wild youths. 对这些野蛮的年轻人来说没有什么是不可侵犯的。Motherhood/Sulzburg is~to him.对他来说母亲是个神圣的称谓/萨尔茨堡是个神圣的地方。

(3)严肃的,郑重的,至关重要的((of a promisedutyetc) which must be keptcarried outdoneetc):a~duty/task/promise神圣的职责/神圣的任务/郑重的承诺;

(4)献给……的,专供……用的(declared to be in honour of a person or a god)[无comp][A (to)]:a monument~to St Peter 为圣彼得树的碑;On the gravestone was written “S~to the memory of James Smith”. 墓碑上写着“詹姆斯·史密斯之墓”。

sacred cow/cows 印度神牛;不可批评的人或事物:Television respects too many~cows. 电视台过分害怕伤害公众的感情。

→′sacredly adv 神圣地;′sacredness n 神圣,神圣不可侵犯;′sacrosanct adj 神圣不可侵犯的





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