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Ⅰ ❶ (有电荷存在和电荷变化的现象) electricity:负[阴] ~ negative electricity;
静 ~ static electricity;
正[阳] ~ positive electricity;
原子能可以用来发 ~。 The power of the atom can be used to produce electricity.
❷ (电报) telegram;cable:贺 ~ congratulatory telegram;
急 ~ urgent telegram;
唁 ~ message of condolences;
感谢 ~ message of thanks;
慰问 ~ messgae expressing sympathy or conveying regard to;
通 ~ 全国 publish an open telegram to the nation Ⅱ ❶ (触电) give or get an electric shock:被 ~ 死 be killed by an electric shock;
电门有毛病,~ 了我一下。 There was something wrong with the switch and I got a shock.
❷ (打电报) send a telegram;telegraph;wire;cable:~ 贺 telegraph one's congratulations to sb.;cable a message of congratulations;
我已把结果 ~ 告他了。 I telegraphed him the result.
◆电棒 [方] (electric) torch;flashlight;
电报 telegram;cable;telegraph;message;
电报纸 telegram form;telegraph form;message form;blank;telegram blank;
电笔 electroprobe;
电表 (电气仪表) any meter for measuring electricity (electric meter;ammeter;voltmeter,etc.);(瓦特小时计) kilo-watt-hour meter;electricity meter;
电冰箱 (electric) refrigerator;fridge;freezer;ice-box;
电波 {电磁} radio wave;electric wave;Hertzian wave;
电测 {工} electrical logging;
电铲 power shovel;electric dipper;electric excavator;electric shovel;mechanical shovel;
电场 {物} electric field;
电厂 {机} electric power plant;electricity generating station;generating station;power plant;generating plant;
电唱机 electric gramophone;phonograph;record player;electrola;panotrope;electric phonograph;
电唱头 acoustic pick-up;(phonograph) pick-up;
电唱针 (gramophone) stylus;needle;
电车 (有轨电车) tram;tramcar;streetcar;(无轨电车) trolleybus;trolley;
电池 {电} cell;battery;element;electric battery;
电处死 electrocution;
电传 telex;
电传打字机 teletypewriter;teletype;electric typewriter;teleprinter;telewriter;
电传动 {机} electric drive;
电传真 facsimile;electrofax; telephoto;
电锤 {机} electric hammer;
电磁 {电} {物} electromagnetism;
电磁波 electromagnetic wave;ether wave;Hertzian wave;Hertz wave;
电磁场 electromagnetic field;
电磁铁 electromagnet;magnetic plug;
电瓷 {材} electroceramics;electrotechnical porcelain;electric ceramics;
电大 TV university;open university;
电导 conduction;conductance;conducti ̄ vity;electric conductance;
电灯 {电} electric lamp;electric light;
电灯泡 electric bulb;electric light bulb;bulb;
电点火 {机} electric ignition;
电动 motor-driven;power-driven;power-operated;
电动机 electric motor;motor;
电动记分牌 electric scoreboard;
电动力学 electrodynamics;
电动式 electrodynamic type;
电动势 electrodynamic force;electromotive force (e.m.f.); electrodynamic potential;electromotance;
电镀 electroplate;electroplating;electrofacing;(electric) plating;electrocladding;galvanize;galvanization;electrogilding;electrophoretic coating;
电度表 kilowatt-hour meter;watt-hour meter;electric meter;
电发动机 electric engine;
电饭煲[锅] electric cooker;
电风扇 electric fan;
电杆 (electrical) pole;
电感 {电磁} (自感和互感的总称) inductance;
电感应 electric induction;electroinduction;
电告 inform or report in a telegram;
电工 (电工学) electrical engineering;electrotechnics;(制造、安装电气设备的工人) electrician;
电挂 (电报挂号) cable address;
电灌 irrigate by electric pumping;
电光 {光} light produced by electricity (电能所发的光);lightning (闪电);electro-optics (电场光学;电子光学);electro-optical;
电滚子 [方] (发电机)motor generator;(电动机) electric motor;
电焊 electric(al) welding;electric soldering;electrowelding;
电荷 {物} electric charge;charge;
电贺 congratulate sb. by sending a telegram;
电烘炉 electric oven;
电烘箱 electric dry oven;
电弧 arc;electric arc;voltaic arc;
电弧焊 {冶} electric-arc welding;arc-weld;arc welding;electrode welding;
电(火)花 spark;
电化 (电气化) electrification;electrization;(电化学的) electrochemical;(视听的) audio-visual;
电化学 {物化} electrochemistry;
电话 (电话装置) telephone;phone;telephone system;telephony;[美俚] horn;(用电话装置传递的话) phone call;
电话机 telephone set;telephone;phone;
电话间 telephone booth;telephone box;telephone kiosk;
电话局 telephone station;telephone exchange;telephone office;
电汇 telegraphic transfer;telegraphic money;cable transfer;telegraphic transfer (T/T);telegraphic money order;
电火花 {电} electric spark;spark;electrospark;
电击 electric shock;lightning stroke;
电机 power-generating or power-driven machine;generator or electric motor;electrical machinery;
电机车 electric locomotive;
电积 electrodeposition;
电吉他 electric guitar;[美俚] amp;
电极 electrode;pole;
电极化 electric polarization;
电键 keyset;key;manipulator;telegraph key;key button;
电教 electrified education;
电解 electrolyze;electrolysis;electrolyzation;galvanolysis;
电解槽 electric tank;electrolytic tank;potential flow analyzer;electrolysing cell;electrolysis bath;electrolytic bath;hydroelectric bath;tankhouse cell;electrolyser;
电解液 {物} {化} electrolyte; 电解质 {物化} electrolyte;electrolytic;
电介质 dielectric;non-conductor;insulator;
电警棍 electric billy [club];electric baton [truncheon];电锯 electric saw;electric motor saw;sawing machine;
电抗 {电工} reactance;reactive resistance;
电烤箱 electric oven;
电缆 cable;electric cable;
电烙铁 electric iron;electric soldering iron;
电离 ionize;ionization;
电离层[圈] {地物} ionized stratum;ionized layer;ionosphere;thermosphere;
电力 {电} power;electric power;
电力网 {电工} mains;power network;
电力线 (按照电场中各点的电强度和电力方向连成的线) electricfluxline;electric line of force;(输送动力用的导线) electric powerline;power line;
电量 {电} quantity of electricity;quantity of electric charge; 电疗 {医} electrotherapy;galvanism;
电料 electrical materials and appliances;
电铃 (electric) bell;trembler;ringer;
电流 current;galvanic current;electric current;electricity;current flow;
电流表 (安培计) ammeter;galvanome ̄ter;
电流计 galvanometer (GALV);mekapion;current meter;rheometer;
电炉 (取暖电炉) electric stove;hot plate;{冶} electric furnace;
电路 {讯} circuit (CKT);electric circuit;electrocircuit;
电路图 circuit diagram;circuitry;layout;schematic wiring diagram;
电罗经 {航海} gyro compass;
电麻醉 electronarcosis;
电码 code;
电脉冲 electric pulse;electrical pulse;electric impulse;electrical impulse;
电镘 {脊锥} Electrophorus electricus;electric eel;
电门 [口] (electric) switch;
电木 (酚醛塑料) bakelite;
电纳 electrical susceptance;
电脑 computer;electronic brain;electronic computer;electron brain;
电脑病毒 computer virus;
电脑迷 mouse potato;
电脑图书馆 computer library;
电能 electric energy;electrical energy;
电钮 push button;button;
电暖器 electric heater;
电偶 couple;galvanic couple;
电耙 scraper;
电平 electrical level;level;
电瓶 storage battery;accumulator;jar;
电起爆 electric initiating;
电器 electrical equipment [appliance];电气 {电} electrical;electric;
电气化 electrification;electrify;
电气石 {矿} {晶} tourmaline;Brazinan chrysolite;taltalite;verdelite;peridot;
电汽车 electric car;
电桥 bridge;
电热 {电} electric heating;electric heat;heat with electric energy;
电热杯 electrothermal cup;
电热器 electric heater;
电熔(炼) electric smelting;
电容 electric capacity;capacitance;capacity;
电容量 capacitance;electric capacity;
电容器 capacitor;condenser;current condenser;electrical condenser;
电褥 heating pad;
电闪雷鸣 Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles.;
电扇 electric fan;motor fan;
电渗析 {物} {化} electroosmosis;electrodialysis;
电声 {物} electroacoustic(al);
电石 (碳化钙) calcium carbide;
电势 {电} (electric) potential;
电视 television;T.V.;teevee;
电视采访 TV interview;
电视差转台 TV transposer station;
电视传真 TV-fax;TV-view;
电视传真系统 teleview system;
电视电话 picture phone;
电视发射台 television transmitting station;
电视观众 television audience;
电视广告 TV advertising;
电视教学 television instruction; television education;
电视节目 TV pro ̄ gram;
电视节目单 TV guide;
电视节目赞助者 sponsor;
电视节目主持人 master of ceremonies;chairman of TV programme;
电视连续剧 TV series;
电视迷 telefan;
电视实况转播 spot TV transmission;
电视网 TV network;
电视小品 TV short sketch;
电视遥控器 TV remote control device;
电视综合症 TV syndrome; 电视制式 television system;
电枢 armature;
电梳 electric comb;
电刷 {电工} (炭刷) brush;carbon body;dynamo brush;electric brush;
电死[刑] electrocution;
电台 (无线电台) transmitter-receiver;transceiver;(广播电台) broadcasting station;radio station;radio set;
电烫(发) permanent hair styling;permanent wave;perm;
电梯 lift;elevator;electrical lift;electric elevator;passenger lift;
电筒 electric flashlight;(electric) torch;flashlight;
电网 electrified wire netting;live wire entanglement;power grid;
电位[势] {电} electric potential;potential;
电位[势]差 PD (potential difference);
电位器 potentiometer;
电文 content of a telegram;message;text (of a telegram);
电线 wire;electric wire;current lead;
电信 electric(al) communication;telecommunication;telegraphy;traffic;telecom;
电刑 (用电椅处死犯人的刑罚) electrocution;(使电流通过人体来逼供的刑罚) torture by electric instrument;
电学 {物} electricity;
电讯 (用电话、电报或无线电设备发出的消息) (telegraphic) dispatch;telecommunications;(无线电讯号) radio communication signals;
电压 voltage;electric tension;electric voltage;
电压表 voltmeter;Vm;
电眼 {无} (调谐指示管) electric eye;magic eye;tunoscope;tuning eye;{自} (光电管) photocell;
电唁 send a telegram of condolence;send a message of condolence;
电冶金(学) electrome ̄ tallurgy;
电椅 electric chair;
电影 film;movie;motion picture;
电影光碟[影视光碟] video CD (VCD);
电影节 film festival;
电影“金鸡”奖 Golden Rooster film awards;
电泳 {物化} cataphoresis;electrophoresis;
电玉粉 {化} urea- formaldehyde molding powder;
电源 source;current source;electric source;power pack;power supply;power source;source of power (supply);source of voltage;supply source;electric power supply;mains;
电晕 {电} corona;aureole;
电熨斗 electric iron;
电灶 electric cooker;electric range;electric cooking stove;electric cooking range;
电渣焊 electroslag welding;
电闸 electric brake;electromechanical brake;(electric) switch;
电站 power station;
电针疗法 {中医} acupuncture with electric stimulation;galvano- acupuncture;
电针麻醉 {中医} galvano-acupuncture anesthesia;
电震 commotion;shock;
电振荡 electric oscillation;
电钟 electric clock;electroclock;
电珠 small (electric) bulb;
电铸版 electrotype;
电子 {物} {电} electron;
电子出版物 electronic publication;
电子管 (electron) tube;radio tube;(electron) valve;electronic valve;evacuated tube;
电子计算机 (electronic) computer;
电子琴 electronic organ;
电子收款机 electronic cash register (ECR);
电子式 electronic type;
电子束 electron beam;beam pencil;bunch of electrons;bundle of electrons;cathode beam;cathode-ray beam;cathode-ray pencil; electron rays;electronic beam;
电子信箱[电子邮件;电子邮政] electronic mail (E-mail);
电子学 electronics;
电阻 resistance;electric resistance;
电阻器 {电} resistor;electrical resistor;
电钻 {机} electrodrill;electric drill;electrical drill;
电嘴 [方] sparking plug;ignition plug;igniter;ignitor





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