v (1)跑(move quickly,faster than walking)[I,I+prep,I+adv]:He~s every morning. 他每天早晨跑步。The robber took the money and ran. 那个强盗抢了钱就跑了。come~ning to meet sb/to catch the bus 跑来迎接某人/赶公共汽车;~across the road/to sb's help 跑过马路/去帮助某人;~fast/about/away/off/home 跑得快/到处跑/跑掉/跑掉/跑回家;I'll~over/round/up (to your house) this afternoon. 今天下午我(到你家)去看你。〖同〗dash,hasten,hurry,rush,speed,flee;
(2)跑(一段路)(travel(a distance),by running)[T+n]:~one's horse/an errand 让自己的马跑起来(或参赛)/外出办事;~a quick single(板球比赛中)击球后快跑得分;He can~a mile in four minutes. 他能四分钟跑一英里。
(3)跑步(锻炼)(practise running as a sport)[I]:take up~ning 进行跑步锻炼;He used to~when he was at Oxford. 他在牛津大学上学时,常常跑步。
(4)参加(赛跑),使(动物)参加赛跑(take part in a race;cause (an animal) to take part in a race)[I,I+prep,T+n]:He won't be~ning (in any races) this season. 这个赛季他不参加(任何)比赛。~in the 400 metres 参加400米赛跑;~a race/the mile 参加赛跑/一英里赛跑;~a fine race to take the gold medal 赛跑成绩优异夺得金牌;~the horses/the dogs in some races 让这些马/狗参加一些比赛;The horse/He ran first. 这匹马/他赛跑得了第一。〖同〗race;
(5)举行(比赛)(cause (a race) to happen)[T+n,尤pass]:A Marathon/bicycle race will be~here this October. 今年10月这里将举行一场马拉松/自行车比赛。
(6)追赶(踪)(track down;drive or chase)[T+n+prep]:~a fox to earth 追赶狐狸直至洞口;~the swindler out of the town/the spies out of the country 把诈骗犯赶出镇子/间谍驱逐出这个国家;~the book to earth in the library (fig) 在图书馆里找到那本书;~sb to ground on one side of a square/in the park 在一个广场的一侧/公园里找到某人;〖同〗chase,track down;
(7)(使(公共汽车、火车、渡船等))来回行驶(运营)(cause (buses,trains,ferries,etc to)travel on a particular route)[I,I+prep,T+n]:The express~s daily from Boston and New York/between Boston to New York. 这趟快车每天从波士顿行驶至纽约/行驶于波士顿和纽约之间。The buses~until after midnight/every five minutes. 公共汽车运营到午夜之后/每五分钟一趟。Tokyo transport~s extra trains during the rush-hour. 交通高峰时东京的交通部门安排增开加班列车。They're~ning a special train to the international conference. 他们为国际会议加开一趟专车。
(8)开车(送……),去……(take sb or sth or drive to a place in a vehicle)[I+prep,I+adv,T+n+prep,T+n+adv]:The train ran past the signal/to Oxford. 那趟火车驶过信号灯/向牛津。Let's~down to the coast/over to his house. 让我们开车去海边/他家。The ship ran into port/aground. 那条船驶进港口/搁浅了。~the car into the garage/into the car park/to the petrol pump/downhill 把车开进车库/进停车场/去加油站/下山;~sb to the station 开车送某人去车站;~sb home/across开车送某人回家/过去;〖同〗drive;
(9)偷运(take (things) secretly and illegally into a country or area)[T+n,T+n+prep(across/into)]:~diamond (guns/drugs/arms) across the border/into a country 把珠宝(枪支/毒品/武器)偷运过边境/到某个国家;~agents into a country 将特务偷偷派遣到一个国家;
(10)(使)迅速移(滑)动((cause to)pass smoothly through;over,or along a surface)[I+prep,T+n+prep]:A sledge is~ning over snow. 一雪橇正在雪上滑行。 A ball is~ning along the ground. 一个球在地上滚动。A wind ran through the tall grass. 一阵风吹过高高的草丛。A bus ran off the road out of control. 一辆汽车失去控制,滑下公路。Her eyes ran critically over this set of furniture. 她用挑剔的目光打量着这套家具。~a comb through one's hair/one's toes through the grass 用梳子梳头/跑过那片草地;~a sweepers over the carpet/one's eyes over the page/one's fingers over a picture 用清扫机清扫地毯/迅速地浏览那一页/用手摸一幅画;~one's fingers slightly over the keys of the piano 手指轻快地弹着琴键;〖同〗 pass;
(11)(使机器)运转((cause machines,etc)work,operate,be in motion)[I,I+prep,T+n,T+n+prep]:The engine/machine/mill/car/motor/heater~s properly (smoothly/nicely/day and night). 发动机/机器/磨粉机/汽车/发动机/取暖器运转得很好(很平稳/良好/昼夜不停)。Everything (All their arrangements) ran well/smoothly.(fig)一切(他们所有的安排)进行得很好/顺利。His life ran well/smoothly. (fig) 他生活得很好/平静。The clock/razor~s on (by) electricity. 这座钟/这把剃须刀靠电运转。~an engine/a machine/a computer 发动引擎/开机器/操作计算机;~the turbines by water/the train on oil/the system off the mains 通过水使涡轮机/油使火车/交流电使这个系统运转;~a program on a computer 在计算机上进行程序操作;〖同〗go,operate;
(12)管理,经营,组织,主持(manage,organize,control,direct or be boss of)[T+n]:~a country/a school/a home/a farm/an office 管理一个国家/学校/家庭/农场/办公室;~a business/a company/a store/a shop/a hotel (efficiently)(有效地)经营企业/公司/商店/商店/旅馆;~courses for local teachers/foreign learners of English 为当地老师/学英语的外国人办班;~a new system of payment 实行新的支付系统;~sb's life for sb 为某人安排生活;be~by sb 受到某人控制(由某人经营);The captain~s an ocean-going ship. 那位船长指挥一艘远洋船。〖同〗manage,control,direct,operate;
(13)(河水,海水、潮)上涨(急速流动)((of a river,the sea,the tide) rise higher or flow faster)[L+adj,I]:The tide is~ning (strong/high). 潮水上涨(很猛/很高)。A high sea was~ning that night. 那天夜里海上浪很大。
(14)(使)流((cause liquids,sand,etc to) flow)[I,I+prep(with),T+n,T+n+prep,D+n+n,D+n+prep(for)]:The baby's nose is/baby's eyes are~ning. 那个孩子在流鼻涕/眼泪。 The sore on his leg is~ning. 他腿上的疮口在流脓。The tap is still~ning. 水管还在流水。Is that you who left the tap water~ning? 是你让水管里的水一直流着的吗?The water ran for hours. 水流了几个小时。Rivers~to the sea. 条条河流通大海。 The stream~s down the valley. 小溪顺着峡谷向下流。The water~s out of the pipe. 水从水管流出。Blood/Sweat/Tears ran down his face (his cheeks). 血/汗/泪水顺着他的脸(脸颊)流下来。The street was~ning with water/flood. 街上到处是水/洪水。His body was~ning with blood. 他浑身流血。His eyes were~ning with tears. 他热泪盈眶。~the water for a few minutes让水流几分钟;~the hot tap 打开热水管;~the hose/the tap(over the fire/the lawn)打开水龙带/水龙头(放水灭火/浇草坪);~the water into that ditch 让水流进那条沟; ~hot milk into a bowl 让热牛奶流进一个碗里;~the water away/off 把水放掉;~sb a nice hot bath (a nice hot bath for sb) 替某人在浴盆里放好热热的洗澡水;~ning water 自来水;〖同〗flow;
(15)变得,进入某种状态(become;reach a particular state)[L+adj]:The river/well/little pond ran dry (clear). 这条河/这口井/这个小池塘干涸了(水变清了)。The water ran hot. 水流着流着变热了。Her blood ran cold. 她吓坏了。The shirt ran small. 这件衬衣小了。~short of money/sugar 没钱/糖了;The field ran wild. 田地荒芜了。 Our time ran short. 我们没时间。Our supplies ran low. 我们没有给养了。The crowd ran riot in the street. 人群在街上横冲直撞。 Grass ran riot in the vegetable beds. 菜园里的草蔓延滋长。〖同〗become,get;
(16)融化(melt when heated;become liquid and spread)[I]:The ice cream/wax/butter is starting to~. 冰激凌/蜡/黄油开始化了。
(17)褪色((of a coloured thing)spread its colour,when it is wet)[I]:The colours in my new shirt ran when I washed it. 我洗那件新衬衣时,它褪色了。That blue handkerchief~s and don't wash it with the white. 那块手帕褪色,别和白色衣物一起洗。
(18)招致,遭受,惹起(be subjected to;be affected by)[T+n]:~a temperature/a fever(infml)发烧;~the chance (danger) of being caught 冒着被抓的可能(危险);〖同〗have,take;
(19)延伸(展)(extend in a particular direction)[I+prep]:lines (road)~ning parallel to the coast/the equator/the railway 与海岸线/赤道/这条铁路平行的线段(道路);A path (street)~s by the sea/along the river bank/over the mountains/through the town/north. 一条小路(街道)沿着海边延伸/河岸伸延/延伸到山那边/穿城而过/向北伸延。The part of our coast~s from here to Dover. 我们的这段海岸线从这里一直延伸到多佛尔。A fence~s round the house. 房子周围有一圈栅栏。 A scar~s across his leg. 他腿上有一条伤疤。〖同〗extend,cover,go;
(20)持续;连续上演(last for the specified period of time;continue to be performed or valid)[I+prep(for)]:Is the play still~ning? 那出剧还在连续上演吗?The performance/film~s for two hours. 这一演出/这部影片要持续两个小时。The play/sale/campaign will~for two months. 这出戏/这次销售活动/这一运动将持续两个月。The class~s over three years. 这个班要上三年多。The lease (on my house)/contract/insurance~s for two more years. (我的房屋)契约/这份合同/这份保险还有两年才到期。Our agreement/The guarantee has another year to~. 我们的协议/这份担保还有一年的有效期。〖同〗continue,last,go on;
(21)(植物)蔓生((of plants)trail,spread or climb)[I+prep]:Ivy/Bindweed~s all over the wall (up the tree). 常青藤/旋花属植物爬满了墙(攀缘到了树上)。〖同〗trail,spread,climb;
(22)(意念,感情,消息等)掠过,传遍(move or pass quickly)[I+prep]:An ice-cold shiver ran through her body. 她浑身打了个寒颤。 A thought ran through her mind. 她心里有了想法。Excitement ran through the audience. 观众情绪异常激动。The rumour ran through the city. 谣言传遍了全城。The pain ran up his leg. 他腿上一阵疼痛。〖同〗 spread;
(23)写(说)道,叙述(be stated or reported)[I]:His story/letter ran as follows (like this). 他的故事/信的内容如下。The newspaper headline/story~s that... 报上的标题为/这故事讲的是……;How does the song/the first sentence of the Charter of the United Nations~? 那首歌/《联合国宪章》的第一句是怎样唱(说)的?Her telegram~s“Come soonest. Mother ill.”她的电报上写着:“速回。母病。”〖同〗go,say;
(24)刊载,发表(publish or print in a newspaper or magazine,etc)[T+n]:The paper is~ning a series of articles on economics. 这份报纸正在刊登一系列有关经济的文章。~the ad on the back page/in the paper for two days 这个广告连续两天登在尾页上/这份报纸上;~the story in three issues/the next issue 这个故事连续刊登三期/刊登在下期;〖同〗publish,print;
(25)参加竞选(compete for election office)[I,I+prep(for/against/in)](esp AmE):There were a lot of candidates~ning in the election. 有许多候选人参加竞选。~for mayor/for the presidency/for president 竞选市长/总统/总统;~in the next election/against sb 参加下次竞选/与某人竞争;As a result,4285 candidates ran for 491 seats. 结果,有4285名候选人竞选491个席位。
(26)提名……参加竞选(present as a candidate)[T+n](esp AmE):The party ran two candidates in the election. 这个党推举两名候选人参加竞选。~sb for President/Senators 提名某人参加总统/参议员的竞选;〖同〗stand,present,nominate;
(27)(鲑鱼)洄游((of salmon) swim upstream in a large number from the sea)[I]:Many chum salmon are~ning now. 现在有许多大马哈鱼从海里洄游。
(28)拥有并使用(possess and use(esp a vehicle))[T+n]:He can only afford to~a bicycle on his income. 以他的收入,他只买得起一辆自行车。A Rolls-Royce is too dear to~. 劳斯莱斯汽车太贵了,买不起。He~s a black Volkswagen. 他开着一辆黑色大众牌轿车。〖同〗own,possess,use;
(29)脱丝(线)(ladder,tear or separate into threads)[I](尤AmE):Her nylon tights/silk stockings~. 她的尼龙连裤袜/丝袜跳丝了。〖同〗ladder;
(30)在……时发生,到达(take place,or reach at the particular time)[L+adj,I+prep]:The train is~ning three hours behind schedule. 这趟火车比预定时间晚了三个小时。The project is~ning two months late/two months early/on time. 这项工程晚两个月/早两个月/及时开工。〖同〗happen,arrive;
run across (v prep)无意间碰到(vt):Where did you~across him/this beautiful old vase? 你是在什么地方碰到他/发现这个漂亮的旧花瓶的?
run after (v prep)追逐(求)(vt):Don't bother~ning after the bus. 别费事追那辆汽车了。I was told that Tom was~ning after you. 有人告诉我,汤姆正在追求你。
run along (v adv)走掉(vi):Be a good girl and~along:Daddy's busy. 做个听话的姑娘,离开这儿,爸爸正忙着呢。
run around (with)(v adv/prep)与……经常(混)在一起(vt):Ruth~s around with girls who like to go dancing. 鲁斯经常和那些爱跳舞的姑娘在一起。
run at (v prep) 1)向……进攻(vt)(无pass):A big fellow ran at me with a knife. 一个高大的家伙拿着刀子向我冲来。2)达到(水平)(vt):The rate of unemployment is~ning at 30%. 失业率达到30%。
run away (v adv)逃开;(从)……跑(走)(vi):He was frightened and ran away. 他吓得跑掉了。He ran away from school. 他逃学了。
run away with (v adv prep) 1)完全失去控制(vt):His tongue/temper ran away with him and he said things afterwards regretted. 他管不住自己的舌头/发脾气了,说了一些事后感到后悔的话。2)迅速消耗掉(vt):Holidays abroad~away with a lot of money. 在国外度假要花很多钱。3)轻而易举地取胜(vt):Our team ran away with the game in the last half. 在下半场,我们队轻而易举地取得了这场比赛的胜利。
run away/off with (v adv prep) 1)和……私奔(vt):He ran away/off with his neighbour's wife. 他和他邻居的妻子私奔了。2)偷了……跑掉(vt):A thief ran away/off with Grandma's silver teapot. 一个小偷偷走了奶奶的银壶。
run back (v adv) 倒(磁、影带等)(vt):I will~the tape back to the right place. 我要把磁带倒回到确切的地方。
run down (v adv) 1)使耗尽能源(vi & vt):The clock/Father's car battery has run down. 钟表停了/父亲汽车上的电池没电了。If you leave the car lights on all night you'll~the battery down. 如果你让车灯整夜地亮着,将会耗尽电池。2)(使)逐渐衰减(vi & vt) (常用prog):The farm labour force is~ning down steadily. 农业劳动力正在持续减少。Now many factories are~ning down their workers. 现在许多工厂正在裁减工人。3)撞倒(沉)(vt):He was almost run down by a bus. 他几乎被一辆公共汽车撞倒。4)非议,说……坏话(vt):She's always~ning her husband down in public/in front of her neighbours. 她总是当众/在邻居面前贬低她丈夫。Susan ran down the club. 苏珊说该俱乐部的坏话。5)(经过寻找终于)找(抓)到(vt):Finally he ran down the article in a book. 最后他在一本书里找到了那篇文章。The police ran the burglar down eventually. 警察终于抓住了那个窃贼。
run for it 奔跑逃命(躲避):The bridge the soldiers were on started to fall down and they started to~for it. 士兵们脚下的桥开始坍塌,于是他们便奔跑逃命。
run for one's life/for dear life逃命:Office workers ran for their lives as an earth tremor shook the centre of town. 市中心发生地震时,办公室的工作人员都逃命去了。
run in (v adv) 1)匆匆拜访(vi):The neighbour boy ran in for a minute to see Bob's newest model rocket. 邻居家的那个男孩过来待了一会儿,看了看鲍勃的最新火箭模型。2)抓起来(vt):The policeman ran the man in for peddling without a license. 由于无照经营,警察把那个沿街叫卖的人抓起来了。3)试车(vt):Don't expect me to get you home quickly. I'm still~ning my car in. 别指望我能很快送你回家,我还在试车呢。
run in the family 一家人都有(……特点):A great interest in gardening~s in his family. 他的家人对园艺都有很大的兴趣。
run into (v prep) 1)无意间碰到(vt):Lester didn't expect to~into many of his friends. 雷斯特没想到会碰到那么多朋友。2)遇到,陷入(vt):He has run into financial difficulties/trouble/danger/debt. 他陷入了经济困难/麻烦/危险/债务中。3)碰上(坏天气)(vt):Climbing higher,we ran into a patch of thick mist which blotted out our route. 爬到高处时,我们遇到了大雾,前面的路模糊不清。4)和……相撞(vt):Tom lost control of his bicycle and ran into a tree. 汤姆的自行车失去控制,撞在了树上。5)(使)扎进(vt):The girl ran a needle into her thumb/the knife into the robber. 姑娘把针扎进了拇指/刀子扎进那个强盗的身上。6)达到(数量)(vt,无pass):A good dictionary may~into several editions. 一本好词典可以印几版。The sum involved in the negotiation~s into five figures. 谈判中所涉及的钱数达到五位数。
run off (v adv) 1)使流掉;自己流掉(vt & vi):The waste water can~off the floor through the sewer. 地上的污水可以从下水道流走。When the temperature reaches melting point,the metal~s off as a liquid and flows into special moulds. 当温度达到熔点时,金属就变成液体,流进特殊的模子里。2)使(赛跑)举行(vt):The heats of 100 metres are run off this afternoon. 今天下午举行100米跑预赛。3)复印(制)(vt):They have run off five hundred copies of newspaper (for us). 他们已经(为我们)复印出500份报纸。4)撵走(vt):Seeing a dog digging in the garden,the girl ran it off. 见一只狗在院子里刨土,姑娘把它撵跑了。
run on (v adv) 1)连(持)续不断(vi):His cough has run on for a long time. 他已经咳嗽了很长时间。Time ran on. 光阴荏苒。2)不停地谈(vi):She has run on for hours about her family. 关于她的家庭,她已经谈了几个小时。3)连写,连着排(vt):~the letters on 把字母连着写;“Run on”is an instruction to a printer to ignore paragraph indentation.“Run on”是告诉印刷工人不用考虑段落开头的空格。
run on (v prep)讲(某一内容),想(某事)(vt):His talk/thoughts/thinking ran on the development in communication. 他的谈话涉及到/他总是想/他在想通讯方面的发展情况。
run out (v adv) 1)(合同、文件等)到期(失效)(vi):His contract~s out shortly/next week. 他的合同很快/下个星期便到期了。2)用完,耗尽(vi):His strength/patience/money has run out. 他已经没力量/耐心/钱了。Time/Food is~ning out. 快到点了/没食品了。3)(使绳子等)松(放)开(vi & vt):The wire ran out through the hole. 金属丝穿过那个孔拉了出来。The fisherman ran the line out into water. 那个钓鱼的人把线放入水中。
run out of (v adv prep)用完,耗尽(vt):I'm~ning out of water/money/idea/time. 我快没水/钱/主意/时间了。
run out on (v adv prep)背(遗)弃(vt):His wife ran out on him. 他的妻子背弃了他。
run over (v adv) 1)溢出(vi):The kettle/water in the kettle is~ning over. 水壶满得/壶里的水溢出来了。2)(车辆)辗压,压死(伤)(vt):The poor fellow was run over by a bus and killed. 那个可怜的家伙被公共汽车压死了。3)匆匆看(复习,演习)一遍(vt):He ran over in his mind what he was going to say at the meeting. 他很快地想了想在会上要说的话。During the lunch time,she ran over her notes. 午饭时,她匆匆看了一遍笔记。
run through (v prep) 1) 滥用(vt):He ran through ten gallons of petrol/all the money in a week. 一个星期内他用了10加仑汽油/花光了所有的钱。2)迅速地做(练)了一遍(vt):Let's~through the exercises orally before writing them down. 我们先口头做一遍这些练习,然后再写下来。He ran through his lecture in his mind. 他在脑海里过了一遍他的讲稿。3)匆忙看(放)一遍(vt):Will you~that tape through again? 你把磁带再放一遍好吗?I'll just~through these letters and then we go out. 我把这些信件大致看了一遍,然后我们就出去。4)简述(vt):Would you mind~ning through your proposals once again? 你简要地再说一遍你的建议好吗?5)扎穿,捅入(vt):A spear ran through the soldier. 矛刺穿了那个战士。She ran a knife through that man. 她用刀捅了那个男人。
run to (v prep) 1)达到(数量,长度)等(vt,无pass):His fortune~s to several hundred thousand dollars. 他的财产达到了几十万美元。The book~s to four hundred pages. 这本书有400页。2)(有能力)买(vt,无pass):We can't~to a new car this year. 今年我们没钱买新车。Will the money you saved~to buying a new house? 你存的钱够买一所新房子吗?3)有某种倾向(vt,无pass):Her taste in music~s to pop songs. 她对流行歌曲比较感兴趣。
run up (v adv) 1)升(举)起(vt):They~up their national flag on Monday morning. 每周一早晨他们升国旗。2)赶制 (vt):She ran the blouse up herself this afternoon. 今天下午她自己赶制了这件罩衫。3)欠下(许多债或账)(vt):She ran up bills everywhere. 她到处欠账。
run up against (v adv prep) 遇到(困难,麻烦等)(vt):He ran up against trouble/a few problems/a lot of opposition/many difficulties in his new job. 在新工作中他遇到了麻烦/一些问题/许多反对意见/许多困难。
→′runner n(赛)跑的人;送信者;走私者;狭长地毯(桌布等);滑板;′runner-up n 亚军;′running n 跑步,赛跑;管理,经营;adj 流动的;连续的;流(浓)鼻涕的;以跑步开始的,作跑步用的;′runabout n 轻便小汽车;′runaway adj 逃跑的;失去控制的;来得轻易的;n 逃跑者;′rundown n 裁减;详细分析;adj 精疲力竭的;(房屋)失修的,坍塌的;′run-in n(事情发生的)准备时间;争吵(论);′run-off n 加赛;′run-through n 学习,总结;(从头至尾)排练;′run-up n 助跑,助跑距离;(事情发生的)准备时间;
n (1)跑(步),跑的一段时间(act,instance,or period of running)[C,a~]:have (take) a~around the track/before breakfast 围着跑道/早饭前跑步;take sb/go for a~带某人去/去跑步;have/make a~of several miles 跑了几英里;break into a~突然跑了起来;a thirty-minute/few minutes'~ 30分钟/几分钟的跑步;a ten-mile/cross-country~ 10英里/越野赛跑;a take-off~(飞机)起飞滑跑;
(2)游览(旅行)(instance of travelling in vehicles,esp for pleasure)[U,a~]:go for a~in the car 乘车兜风;take the car out for a~on the beach 乘车在海滨兜风;have (make/take) a~to New York/into the city/in the countryside 开车去纽约/进城/去乡间游览;do the South America~去南美旅行;〖同〗drive,trip;
(3)(车,船)路线,班次(journey by train or ship,esp one on a regular or scheduled route)[C,the~]:make/take off an extra~增开/取消额外的班次;The train makes four~s daily. 这趟火车每天四个班次。a train/bus on the Edinburgh~ 开往爱丁堡线的火车/汽车;a bus on the~from Boston to New York 在波士顿和纽约之间定时行驶的公共汽车;The ship operates on the London—New York~. 这条船行驶在伦敦至纽约的航线上。The bus has finished its last~. 最后一班公共汽车已经收车。
(4)(车,船)旅程(时间)(distance or period covered during such a journey)[U,a~]:a 10-minute/five-mile~from the station 离车站走10分钟/五英里的路程;make/cover a~of a hundred miles in three hours 三个小时走了100英里的路程;The ship's~averaged 300 knots a day. 这条船平均一天的航程为300节。It's an hour's~by car from here to the city. 从此地到那座城市乘车需要一个小时。
(5)连续的演出(continuous sequence of performances)[U,a~]:The play had a six-month/good/long~. 这出剧连续上演了六个月/很长时间/很长时间。have a~of fifteen weeks 连续上演15个星期;after the long~of A Midsummer Night's Dream《仲夏夜之梦》连续上演了很长时间之后;during its four-week~at this theatre 它在这家戏院连续上演的四周期间;
(6)一连串;一段时间(continuous set or succession of things or events;period of time)[C,a~]:have a~of wins/success/good luck/bad luck/failures 连续地获胜/成功/遇到好运/遭到厄运/失败;a~of fine/wet weather 连续的晴/雨天;a~of eight hours/5000 copies of the book 连续八个小时/出版了5000册书;a 10-hour~of work 连续工作了10个小时;a~of office任期;have a long~of power 长期掌权;a trial~of a new engine/in a new car 一台新发动机/车的试车期;
(7)争购,挤兑(sudden and urgent demand for sth by many people)[C,a~][N(on)]:make a~on the bank/dollar 向银行挤兑/争着兑换美元;There was a great~on tickets/butter. 许多人争购票/黄油。
(8)趋势(向)(tendency or trend)[C,the~][N(of)]:the~of the market/the events/the stock market 市场/事态/股票市场的发展趋势;keep up with the~of national events 跟上国内事态的发展;in accordance with the recent~of events 按照事态最近的发展;The~of the game favoured us. 比赛的情况对我们有利。
(9)普通类型(common or average kind)[C,the~]:the usual/average/common/ordinary~(of graduates/men)一般/普通/普通/普通类型(的毕业生/人);be out of the common~不一般(不平常)的;be above/different from the~of politicians 超过/不同于一般的政治家;〖同〗type;
(10)饲养场(place in which domestic animals,chickens,etc are kept and they can run about)[C]:(build)a rabbit-/chicken-/sheep-~(建)一个养兔/鸡/羊场;
(11)滑道(track along or down which sth can travel)[C]:a ski-~ 一条滑雪道;the beginners'~on a ski slope 滑雪山坡上供初学者使用的滑道;
(12)(洄游)的鱼群(lots of fish travelling together,esp upstream)[C]:the salmon~(洄游的)鲑鱼群;A~of salmon swam up rapidly. 一群鲑鱼向上游迅速游去。
(13)抽丝(ladder)[C](AmE,=ladder):I've got a~in my sock/my stocking/the tights. 我的袜子/我的长筒袜/那件连裤袜上有一处抽丝了。〖同〗ladder;
a (good,etc) run for one's money 1)得到应得的报酬或享受:She is satisfied to go away because she feels she has got an excellent~for her money. 她很满意地离开了,因为她觉得自己已得到了非常优厚的报酬。2)激烈竞争:Are you sure he will give us a good~for our money? 你肯定他会和我们激烈竞争吗?
at a run 跑着(步):The boys set out/go past at a~. 男孩子们跑步出发/从旁边跑过去。
give sb/get/have the run of sth 允许某人/获得/获得自由使用:He gave us the~of his house. 他让我们使用他的房子。We have the~of his house. 我们可以使用他的房子。
in the short run 在近期内:Perhaps in the short~we need not pay the price of our follies,but... 就目前看,也许我们不需要为我们的愚蠢付出代价,但是……
on the run 1)逃跑,在外逃窜:The escaped convict was on the~for a week. 那个逃犯在外逃窜了一个星期。2)奔忙,忙(碌):Mother is on the~all day. 母亲整天忙忙碌碌的。3)匆(急)忙:The horse/Father came on the~. 马/父亲急忙奔来。
→′run-of-the-mill adj 普通的;′runny adj 稀的;流鼻涕(眼泪)的;
【辨异】1)run与drip和leak的区别见DRIP。2)run与gallop、jog、race1 和trot的区别见GALLOP。