释义 |
生灵涂炭生民涂炭shēng líng tú tànliving souls are in mire and fire—the people are in great distress (/misery/affliction); the people suffer unspeakably; the people are plunged into an abyss of misery ❍ 当然谁也赞成和平解放,免得~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—280) Of course everyone favours a peaceful settlement to avoid the destruction of the people’s lives and property. ❍ 袁宫保派兄弟来的使命,是想劝都督化干戈为玉帛,免得~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—280)It is with the hope of persuading Your Excellency to discard war for peace thereby delivering millions of common people from death and ruin that I was sent here by Marshal Yuan. ❍ 可惜当时各方既未能完全放弃小我的利害,全国人民亦未能用最大的努力去促进这个和平运动的成功,遂致战祸复发,~(《毛泽东选集》 1307) Unfortunately,at the time none of the various parties concerned would entirely forgo its selfish interests,the people throughout the country did not exert themselves to the utmost to promote the success of the peace movement,and so the disaster of war again occurred,plunging the people in to misery and suffering. ❍ 以致社稷丘墟,苍生涂炭。(《三国演义》805) …therefore the Throne became a vast heap and the people were trodden in the mire. ❍ 我想天宝皇帝,只为宠爱了贵妃娘娘,朝欢暮乐,弄坏朝纲,致使干戈四起,生民涂炭。(洪昇《长生殿》) Just because he doted on Lady Yang,our former emperor spent all his time in pleasure and neglected affairs of state,with the result that there was a rebellion and the people suffered unspeakably. ❍ 有夏昏德,民坠涂炭。(《尚书·仲虺之诰》) The sovereign of Xia had his virtue all obscured,and the people were as if they had fallen amid mire and charcoal. 生灵涂炭horrendous suffering of the people;be plunged into an abyss of misery 生灵涂炭shēnɡ línɡ tú tàn生灵:指老百姓,人民;涂:泥沼;炭:炭火。比喻生活非常困苦。the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, all life destroyed |