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单词 生死存亡

生死存亡shēng sǐ cún wáng

(a matter of) life and death; life or death,survival or extinction; one’s very existence is at stake
❍ 大规模的内战迫在眉梢,国家民族处于~的严重关头。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ—38) Total civil war was imminent,and it was a critical moment of life and death for China.
❍ 夫礼,死生存亡之体也。(《左传·定十五年》)Those rules are (as) a stem from which grows life or death,preservation or ruin.
❍ 匪首们这几天可是坐卧不安,频频地核计着他们今后的命运,纷纷争吵着他们将来的出路,担心着他们的~。(曲波《林海雪原》482) But the bandit leaders could neither sit nor sleep at ease. They kept calculating their fate and quarrelling over what to do,worried whether they would live or die.
❍ 中华民族到了这个~的关头,……(杨沫《青春之歌》105)The chinese nation has reached a situation where its very existence is at stake…

生死存亡shēnɡ sǐ cún wánɡ

生存或死亡。比喻局势非常紧张,已到了最后的关头。life and death, survival and extinction, very existence





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