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单词 rub
rub/rʌb/ v [-bb-]; n

v (1)磨蹭,擦,搓揉(move(sth)against the surface of sth else with a certain amount of pressure)[IT+nT+n+prep(with),T+n+adv]:Keep~bing until the ink stain comes off. 一直搓,直到墨渍掉了。~one's eyes/one's leg/one's chin/the silverware 揉眼/揉腿/搓下巴/擦银器;~a pot with ash/oneself with a towel/one's aching legs with liniment 用灰擦壶/毛巾搓身/药膏揉搓疼痛的双腿;~a window pane with a cloth (a cloth against a window pane) 用布擦窗玻璃;The horse~bed its head against my shoulder. 那匹马的头在我肩上来回蹭。~one's palm across one's forehead 用手掌来回擦前额;~one's hands together 搓手;〖同〗stroke,brush,touch;

(2)(用手)搽(摸,涂)(move one's handsetc to apply (a substance) to a surface by rubbing)[T+n+prepT+n+adv]:~salve/ointment on the (inflamed) skin/one's arm 把药膏/油膏涂在(发炎的)皮肤上/自己的胳膊上;~polish on the floor 把上光剂涂在地板上;〖同〗apply,spread;

(3)把……磨擦得(bring into a certain condition by rubbing)[C+n+adjT+n+prep(with)]:~the silverware/the enamel parts/the surface gleaming/clean/dry/smooth(with a cloth)(用一块布)把银器/搪瓷部分/表面擦亮/擦干净/擦干/磨光滑;〖同〗clean,wipe,polish,smooth;

(4)磨擦(损,破,痛)(slide with pressuresometimes causing pain or damage)[II+prep(on/against/in),T+n]:New shoes sometimes damage the skin by~bing. 新鞋有时磨脚,皮肤都能磨破。The heels of my shoes are~bing. 我的鞋后跟磨脚。His knee is~bing on the ground. 他的膝盖在地上磨破了。His shoes are~bing (against his heel). 他的鞋磨脚(跟)。The door~s on the floor. 门蹭着地了。The wheel must be~bing on/against mud guard. 这只车轮肯定蹭着挡泥板了。~a bald patch in one's trousers 裤子上磨出一片白;

rub shoulders with sb 与某人有来往:As a reporter,he always~s shoulders with royals. 作为记者,他与皇室成员有来往。

rub sb up the wrong way 激怒某人(infml):Sometimes his son~s him up the wrong way. 有时候他儿子使他很生气。

rub sth off sth 擦(磨、蹭)掉:The teacher~bed the problem off the blackboard. 老师把黑板上的题擦掉了。

rub along (v adv) 1)勉强对付(vi)(infml):How are you getting on nowadays? —Oh,just~bing along. 你如今过得怎样?——噢,勉勉强强吧。2)相处得还可以(vi)(infml):I~along all right with my relations. 我和亲戚们相处得还可以。

rub down (v adv)磨光,擦干(vt & vi):He~bed down the old bed before putting on a coat of emulsion. 在上乳胶前,他把那张旧床磨光。R~yourself down properly after you swim. 游泳后把全身好好擦干。

rub in/into (v adv/prep)通过揉搓使渗透进去(vt):R~some of this cream into your skin to protect it from the sun. 把乳霜揉进皮肤里,以防皮肤晒伤。

rub it in (v adv)反复地说(vt):There is no need to~it in that we lost by three goals. 没必要反复地说我们输了三个球。

rub off (v adv)擦(磨,蹭)掉(vt)(infml):The servant~bed off the finger mark from the cup. 那个仆人把杯子上的手印擦掉了。

rub out (v adv)擦掉污渍(vt & vi):The ink~s out easily. 这种墨渍很容易擦掉。He~bed out the marks/what he had written.他擦掉那些痕迹/他所写的东西。

rub up (v adv) 1)擦亮(vt):I'm going to~up the chromium on my car. 我要把我汽车上的铬擦亮。2)复习(vt):I must~up my Latin for the exam. 我必须复习一下拉丁语,准备考试。

rub up against (v adv prep)偶然碰到(vt)(infml):You will occasionally~up against most interesting people in unlikely places. 你偶然会在一些意想不到的地方遇到很有意思的人.

→′rubbing n 摹拓本;

n (1)擦,揉(act of rubbing)[Ca~]:give the teapot/the silver/the bruise a(good)~(with a cloth/this cream)(用布/这乳膏)(好好地)擦一擦这把茶壶/这件银器/青肿的地方;The masseur gave me a back~. 按摩师给我做了背部按摩。〖同〗stroke,rubbing,rubdown;

(2)困难(difficulty;catch)[Uthe~](旧用法):The~came when both boys wanted to sit with the driver. 问题来了,两个男孩都想和司机坐在一起。The plan is good,but how to make it succeed — there is (there in lies) the~. 这个计划很好,但怎样实现——这是困难所在。〖同〗problem,trouble,difficulty





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