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❶ (生育; 生殖) give birth to; bear: ~ 孩子 give birth to a child; 新 ~ 儿 newborn baby; 她妻子 ~ 了一对双胞胎女孩。 His wife gave birth to twin girls. 她 ~ 了一个男孩。 She has borne a boy.
❷ (出生) be born: 他 ~ 于1950年。 He was born in 1950. 我有一种再 ~ 之感。 I feel as if I had been born again.
❸ (生长) grow: ~ 根 take root; ~ 芽 sprout; 新 ~ 力量 newly rising [emerging] forces; 合抱之树, ~ 于毫末。 Great oaks from little acorns grow. 杂草丛 ~。 Weeds grow rankly. 这些草药一般是野 ~ 的。 These herbs usually grow wild.
❹ (生存; 活) live; exist: 起死回 ~ raise sb. from the dead; bring sb. back to life; 宁愿站着死, 不愿跪着 ~。 Better die standing than live kneeling. 我就是复活与生命, 谁相信我, 虽死犹 ~。 I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.
❺ (产生; 发生) get; have: 惹是 ~ 非 provoke a dispute; stir up trouble; ~ 冻疮 get chilblains
❻ (使燃料燃烧) light (a fire): ~ 炉子 light a stove; ~ 起一堆篝火 light a bonfire Ⅱ ❶ (生命) life: 丧 ~ lose one's life; be [get] killed; 舍 ~ 取义 lay down one's life for a just cause; 一 ~ all one's life; one's lifetime; 有 ~ 之年 the remaining years of one's life
❷ (生计) livelihood: 谋 ~ earn one's livelihood; make a living; 以写作为 ~ make a livelihood by writing; 他们以畜牧业为 ~。 They depended on animal husbandry for their livelihood.
❸ (学生) pupil; student: 男 ~ man [boy] student; schoolboy; 师 ~ 关系 teacher-student relations
❹ (旧时称读书人) scholar: 儒 ~ Confucian scholar; 书 ~ intellectual; scholar
❺ (戏曲角色, 扮演男子) the male character type in Beijing opera, etc.
❻ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 用和 Sheng Yonghe Ⅲ ❶ (有生命力的; 活的) living: ~ 物 living things
❷ (果实没有成熟) unripe; green: ~ 瓜 unripe watermelon; ~ 苹果 a green apple; 这些桃子还是 ~ 的。 The peaches are not ripe yet.
❸ (没有煮过或煮得不够的) raw; uncooked: 吃 ~ 虾 eat shrimps raw; ~ 肉[鱼] raw meat [fish]; 黄瓜可以 ~ 吃。 Cucumbers can be eaten raw.
❹ (未经加工或锻炼过的) unprocessed; unrefined; crude: ~ 皮 rawhide; (untanned) hide; ~ 石灰 quicklime
❺ (生疏; 不熟练) unfamiliar; unacquainted; strange: 人 ~ 地不熟 a stranger in a strange place; ~ 词 new word; 刚到这里, 工作很 ~。 I've only just come here. I'm still not familiar with the work. 这个小孩认 ~。 The child is shy with strangers.
❻ (生硬; 勉强) stiff; mechanical: ~ 凑 mechanically put together (disconnected words and phrases); arbitrarily dish up (unrelated facts); 我们不能 ~ 搬别人的经验。 We cannot apply mechanically other people's experiences. Ⅳ (用在某些表示感情、感觉的词的前面) very: ~ 恐 for fear that; 腿被桌子撞得 ~ 疼。 I bumped against a desk and felt very painful on my leg. 我 ~ 怕她知道。 I am very much afraid that she knows it. Ⅴ [后缀] ❶ (某些指人的名词后缀): 学 ~ student; pupil; 医 ~ doctor
❷(某些副词的后缀): 好 ~ carefully; properly; 怎 ~ how
◆ 生搬硬套 apply mechanically; accept and imitate blindly; copy blindly; copy everything indiscriminately and transplant mechanically; copy mechanically and apply indiscriminately; copy mechanically in; disregard of specific conditions; disregarding specific conditions; do by rote; do [copy] sth. by rote; mechanical application;
生变 (of an unforeseen event, accident, misfortune) happen;
生病 fall ill; get ill; be taken ill;
生不逢辰 It is unlucky to be born at such a time.; born at a wrong time; be born at an unlucky hour; be born out of harmony with one's generation; be born under an unlucky [evil] star; live in a bad time [in a confused world];生财有道 expert(ly) in making money; be able to make money; have the knack of making money; know how to make money;
生菜 {植} romaine lettuce; cos lettuce; lettuce; lachca sativa;
生产 produce; manufacture; give birth to a child; childbirth; delivery; labour; parturition; travail; production;
生产布局 distribution of production; 生产集约化 production intensification; 生产力 productivity; productive forces; forces of production; productive power; yield capacity;
生产率 productivity; output; efficiency; efficacy; production coefficient; production rate;
生产线 beltline; production line;
生产者 producer; bearer; fabricant;
生产资料 means of production; capital goods; production goods;
生辰 birthday;
生辰八字 the date of birth and the eight characters of a horoscope;
生成 create; generate; produce;
生齿 dentation;
生词 new word;
生凑 barely have sth. done; mechanically put [piece] together; arbitrarily knock together;
生存 subsist; exist; live; survival; vita;
生旦净丑 male roles, female roles, painted roles and clowns — on stage;
生地 {农} virgin soil; uncultivated land; {中药} the dried rhizome of rehmannia;
生动 lively; vivid;
生动活泼 be lively and vivid; be lively and invigorating; in a lively way; lively; (in a) vivid and lively (manner); vivid and vigorous;
生发 multiply; breed; develop;
生发灵 hair tonic; hair regrowth liniment; hair tonic for treatment of baldness;
生发油 hair oil;
生番 savage;
生分 aloof; distant;
生俘 capture (alive);
生根 take root; strike root;
生光 (日、月食) third contact; total eclipse ends;
生孩子 give birth to a child; bearing; bring into the world;
生花妙笔 An excellent pen bears flowers — beautiful style of writing.; a delicate touch; an artistic refinement; brilliant writing; deft in writing; gifted pen;
生化 biochemistry;
生还 return alive;
生荒 {农} virgin soil; uncultivated land;
生活 life; live; exist; livelihood;
生活费 cost of living; living expenses; {律} alimony;
生活费用 cost of living; living expenses [costs];生活力 viability; élan vital; vitality;
生活史 life history;
生活用品 articles for daily use;
生火 make a fire; light a fire;
生机 lease of life; life; vitality;
生机盎然 full of life; overflowing with vigour; exuberant; brimming over with vigour and vitality;
生计 means of livelihood; livelihood;
生姜 ginger;
生津 promote the secretion of saliva or body fluid;
生境 habitat; biotope;
生就 be born with; be gifted with;
生角 the male character types in Chinese operas, usu. referring to the bearded character;
生客 stranger;
生恐 for fear that;
生拉硬拽 drag sb. along kicking and screaming; drag sb. along against his will; pull sb. by force; stretch the meaning;
生来 born with;
生老病死 (such matters as) birth, death, illness and old age; birth, senility, illness and death; childbirth, old- age, sickness and funerals;
生冷 raw or cold food;
生离死别 separation between loved ones in life or death; be parted in life and separated by death; part forever; part for ever; partings in life or death; part never to meet again; separations in life or parting at death;
生理 physiology;
生力军 {军} fresh troops; fresh activists; new force;
生灵 [书] the people;
生灵涂炭 plunge the people into misery and suffering; destroy people's lives and property wantonly; Living souls are in mud and charcoal — people are in great misery.; Men and beasts were involved in the calamities.; People are greatly afflicted.; The people are in mud and charcoal.; The people are plunged into an abyss of misery.; the people's life destroyed; The people were trodden into the mire.;
生龙活虎 a lively dragon and an active tiger; brimming with energy; doughty as a dragon and lively as a tiger — full of vim and vigour; (like) full-spirited tigers; full of life and energy; full of vigour [vim] and vitality; having a strong and lively spirit; (to jump) like a young tiger; robust and lively; with life and vigour; working hard and happily;
生路 means of livelihood; way out;
生米成熟饭 The rice is already cooked — what is done can't be undone.; Cooked rice can never go back to being raw again.; It is too late to change.; It's no use crying over spilt milk.; The die is cast.; The fat is in the fire.; What's done can't be undone.;
生命 life; vita; vivi-; bio-; -biotic;
生命力 vitality; bionergy; entelechy; breath; spirit; juice; life; sap; life- force;
生命圈 lebenskreis; 生命现象 biological phenomena;
生命线 lifeline; lifeblood;
生母 one's own mother;
生怕 for fear that; so as not to; lest;
生啤酒 draught beer;
生皮 raw hide; untanned hide; hide; peltry; fell; pelt;
生僻 uncommon; rare;
生平 all one's life; life-time;
生漆 raw lacquer; hoggum; che shu lacquer;
生气 take offence; get angry; be offended with; be angry at; be in a rage with sb.; fall into a rage; fly into a passion; be in a passion; be cross with sb.; be furious at; be red [white] with anger; be white with rage; thunder at a person; be in a thundering rage; be exasperated with a person; fly into a fury; be beside oneself with anger; boil with rage; be filled with fury; be burning with anger; be in a great rage; bristle with anger; make angry; be annoyed; be ruffled; be irritable; be fretful; irritate; be indignant at sth.; take sth. amiss; be incensed at; His back is up.; get one's back up; see red; give sb. a fit; have a fit; be in a huff; bridle with anger; be in a temper; set one's teeth on edge; cut up rough; crotchety; fly off the handle; go off the deep end; be mad about; make one's blood boil; go off the top; play sb. up; raise Cain; take on; fire up;
生气勃勃 be full of vitality; be full of life; be full of vigour and life; be full of vigour and vitality; be dynamic [vigorous]; be vivid with life; effervescent; energetic; flush; take on colour and life;
生前 before one's death; during one's lifetime;
生擒 capture (alive);
生擒活捉 capture ... alive;
生趣 joy of life;
生人 stranger;
生日 birthday;
生涩 jerky; choppy; not smooth; lacking in fluency (in reading);
生杀予夺 wield absolute power; deal with people's lives and properties tyrannically; (the power of)granting life or death and giving or seizing properties of the people; have sb. completely in one's power; have sb.'s fate [life] in one's hands; hold power over sb.'s life and property;
生身父母 one's own parents;
生石膏 plaster stone;
生事 make trouble; create a disturbance;
生手 sb. new to a job; tyro; be green at ...; new learner; an inexperienced hand;
生疏 not familiar; disacquaintance; have less contact; out of practice; rusty; not as close as before;
生水 unboiled water; raw water;
生丝 grege silk; grège; [英] greggiasilk; tsatlee; best silk; [意] seta; {纺} raw silk;
生死 life and death;
生死存亡 (grave crisis between) life and death; critical; (a question of) life and death (for ...); of vital importance; survival or extinction;
生死关头 An important juncture of life and death; a moment when one's fate hangs in the balance; at the crucial moment of life and death; be a moment [a turning point] of life and death; be a matter of life or death; be confronted with a crisis of life and death; in a moment [hour] of desperation; the Great Divide;
生死未卜 One's life is uncertain.; hard to predict one's chances of life or death; hard to tell whether the person is alive or not; uncertain of one's life; Whether one will survive is uncertain.;
生死攸关 be a life-and-death matter; a matter of life and death; a problem of life and death; between life and death; of vital importance;
生死与共 go through thick and thin together; live or die together; live or die with sb.; live together or die together; share a common destiny, life or death; share life and death with sb.; stand or fall with; stay together, sinking or swimming; stick together in life and death;
生死之交 be sworn to live or die together; a friend until death; a friendship of life and death; friendship between the two sharing each other's fate; friends that are ready to die for each other; sworn friends for life or death;
生态 organism's habits; modes of life and relation to their environment; ecology;
生态环境 ecological environment; 生态经济综合效益 eco-economic comprehensive benefit; 生态平衡 ecological balance; 生态系统 ecosystem;
生态型 ecotype;
生态学 ecology; oecology; mesology; hexico ̄ logy; bionomics; {脊椎} ethology;
生铁 pig iron; pigging; cast iron; foundry ingot;
生土 immature soil;
生吞活剥 skin and eat ... alive; flayed and swallowed alive; force an interpretation of text without (real) understanding; gulp ... down uncritically; interpret text [passage] crudely; learn (sth.) mechanically; mechanically to take ...; read without real understanding; swallow sth. raw and whole — accept sth. uncritically; try to memorize books without thinking; without real understanding;
生物 living things; living beings; organisms; bios (pl. bioi, bioses); biont; thing; life;
生物层 {地质} biostrome; biosphere;
生物代码数据库 biocode database; 生物电 bioelectricity;
生物碱 alkaloid;
生物技术产业 biological technology industry; 生物节律 biological rhythm; 生物圈 biosphere; 生物学 biology;
生物钟 biochronometer; human body clock; biological clock; 生息 bear interest; [书] live; grow; exist; multiply; propagate;
生肖 any of the twelve animals, representing the twelve Earthly Branches, used to symbolize the year in which a person is born;
生效 come into force [opera ̄ tion]; go into effect; become effective; take effect; enter into force;
生性 natural disposition;
生锈 get rusty; rust; rustiness; rusting; corrosion;
生芽 germination;
生涯 career; profession;
生养 (of parents) give birth to and bring up children;
生药 crude drug; dried medicinal herbs;
生业 means of livelihood; profession;
生疑 be suspicious;
生意 tendency to grow; life and vitality;
生意 business; trade;
生意经 the knack of doing business; shrewd business sense; business expertise; money making proposition;
生意人 businessman;
生意兴隆 Trade is brisk [prosperous].; Business is booming.;
生硬 rigour; rigid; stiff; arbitrary; inflexible;
生油 unboiled oil; peanut oil; {石油} occurrence of oil;
生鱼片 [日] sashimi;
生育 give birth to; bear;
生育高峰 (period of) baby boom; boom period in human reproduction; boom period of population growth; birth boom; baby boom; birth peak; high number of births; population birth peak;
生育[殖]力 fertility; fecundity;
生造 coin (words and expressions);
生长 grow; grow up; ascent; merisis; build-up; auxesis; increment; overgrowth; gain; burgeon; bourgeon; accretion; up ̄ spring; growth;
生殖 reproduction; engender;
生殖力 reproduction;
生殖器 genital organ; reproductive organs; organa genitalia; genitals;
生猪 live pig; pig; hog; pork on the hoof;
生字 new word


male role or young male;student

sheng;male lead;leading man





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