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(使人满意的;甜) pleasant;sweet:~ 芳 fragrant;~ 泉 sweet spring water;~ 甜 sweet Ⅱ (自愿;乐意) be willing to;be contented or satisfied with:心 ~ 情愿 of one's free will;
不 ~ 落后 be unwilling to lag behind Ⅲ ❶ (姓氏) a surname:~ 祖昌 Gan Zuchang
❷ (甘肃省的简称) short for Gansu Province
◆甘拜下风 show the white feather;candidly admit defeat (in friendly competition,etc.);confess oneself vanquished [beaten];give in;throw in [up] one's hand;throw [toss] in the towel;willingly acknowledge defeat;
甘草 {中药} liquorice;licorice;Radix liquiritiae;liquiritia glycyrrhiza;licorice root;
甘草根 licorice;
甘当小学生 become a willing pupil;
甘地帽 Gandhi cap;
甘公 a surname;
甘汞 {化} calomel;mercurous chloride;subchloride of mercury;
甘瓜苦蒂 The melon is sweet but the stalk is bitter.;Nothing is perfect.;
甘归林泉 be willing to grow old among the forests and streams — to retire from service;
甘蕉 banana;
甘椒油 pimento oil;
甘井先竭 A sweet well dries early.;
甘居人下 content to be below others;contented to occupy a position below others;willing to enslave oneself to another person;
甘居中游 be content with the secondbest;rest content with being middling;resign oneself to a state of mediocrity;
甘苦 sweetness and bitterness;weal and woe;hardships and difficulties experienced in work;
甘苦备尝 have tasted both sweetness and bitterness;have undergone both prosperity and adversity;
甘苦与共 share the joys and sorrows with sb.;cast one's lot with sb.;
甘蓝 {植} cabbage;wild cabbage;
甘霖 a good rain after a long drought;timely rainfall;
甘霖普降 Seasonable rain has fallen everywhere.;
甘露 sweet dew;{医} manna;
甘露醇 mannitol;
甘冒风险 be willing to take risks;stick one's chin out;
甘美 sweet and refreshing;luscious;nectarous;nectared;
甘士 a surname;
甘守清贫 glory in honest poverty;
甘薯 {农} sweet potato;
甘肃 Gansu (Province);
甘棠遗爱 Remembrance of somebody's love is like a sweet pear — said of a kind official.;sweet memories left behind by a popular official after his retirement;the memory left behind by a virtuous and capable official;
甘甜 sweet;
甘挑重担 be ready to take on heavy responsibilities;take the heaviest burden on oneself;
甘味 sweetish taste;
甘味症 glycogeusia;
甘温除热 relieving high fever with drugs of sweet flavour and warm nature;
甘先 a surname;
甘心 willingly;readily;be reconciled to;resign oneself to;be content with;
甘心俯首 be content to bow one's head and yield to...;
甘心瞑目 die without dissatisfaction;
甘心情愿 willingly and gladly;perfectly willing;(to act entirely) of one's own free will;
甘休 willingly give up;be willing to stop;
甘油 glycerol;glycerine;glycerin;glycerinum;
甘油磷酸 phosphoglycerol;{生化} glycerophosphoric acid;
甘油酸 glyceric acid;
甘油酯 glyceride;
甘于 be willing to;be ready to;be happy to;
甘愿 willingly;readily;
甘愿效劳 be glad to offer one's services;be glad to do sth. for sb.;exert oneself voluntarily in the service of another;render readily a service to sb.;willingly serve...;
甘蔗 {植} sugarcane;
甘蔗杆抓头 cane-stalk grab;
甘蔗茎切段刀 cane segmentizing blade;
甘蔗没有两头甜 A sugarcane is never sweet at both ends — you can't have it both ways.;
甘蔗渣 bagasse;begass;begasse (pl. begasses';begasses);
甘之如饴 enjoy sth. bitter as if it were malt sugar;be quite content even in adversity;gladly endure hardships;pleasantly consuming it as if taking sugarplums — to be willing to endure in crisis;
甘旨 [书] delicacies;
甘庄 a surname;
甘紫菜 laver;porphyra tenera







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