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单词 round
round/raʊnd/ adj & adv [无comp]; nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/];prep

adj (1)圆的,球(环)形的(having the shape of a circle or a ball):a~hole/stone/table 一圆洞/石头/桌子;antiquated~arches 旧式的拱形结构;Oranges are~. 橘子是圆的。a~trip 环程旅行;〖同〗circular,curved,ball-shaped;〖反〗square,many sided;
 (2)滚圆的,丰满的(curved;fat):a~face/back 一张圆圆的脸/浑厚的后背;~cheeks胖胖的脸蛋;He was a short~man. 他是个矮胖子。~brackets 圆括号;〖同〗fat,full-formed;〖反〗thin,slender,skinny;
 (3)(数字上)整的,可观的((of a number) exactly and particularly not less than;(of a sum of money)considerable)[无comp][作attrib]:add one to make a~dozen/ton 加上一个凑足一打/吨;a~sum(of money)一笔可观的钱;〖同〗entire,full,whole,complete;〖反〗divided,incomplete;
 in round figures/numbers 取整数:In~numbers,498 would be 500. 498取整数就是500。
 →′roundish adj 近似圆(形)的;′roundly adv 彻底地;完全地;直截了当的;′roundness n 圆形;round-′eyed adj(因惊讶)瞪大眼睛的;round-′table adj 圆桌(会议等)的;round-′shouldered adj 弓背曲肩的;
 adv (=AmE around)(1)围(环)绕地(in the shape of a circle without turning):stand/sit~ 围成一圈站/坐着; gather~ 聚集在一起;a house (garden) with fields (a fence) (all)~四周是田野(围栏)的房子(花园);a wall all the way~ 环绕的墙;The field is fenced all~. 那块地周围有围栏。
 (2)周长(measured in a complete circle):The racing track is about 2 kilometres~. 赛道约两公里。The moon is about 12,000 kilometres~. 月球的周长约1.2万公里。His waist is/The pumpkin measures 30 inches~. 他的腰围/这个南瓜的周长是30英寸。a tree three metres~树围三米的一棵树;
 (3)旋转(转圈)地(with a circular motion;coming back again to the point of starting):run~in the yard 在院子里转圈跑;turn a wheel~拨转轮子;A wheel (The earth) goes/turns~(and~). 轮子(地球)不停地转。His birthday/Christmas/Summer will soon come~again.(fig)又快到他的生日/圣诞节/夏天了。all the year~一整年;
 (4)逐个(次),各处(from one person or place to another in turn;all over the place):have the books/pass the food/send the invitations~把书交给/食品递给/邀请信发给每个人;News/Rumours/A strange story/A report went (passed)~. 消息/谣言/一个离奇的故事/一个报道传(传)遍各处。The postman goes~delivering letters. 邮递员挨家挨户送信。have enough glasses to go~有足够的杯子给所有人用;
 (5)朝反方向,转过头(so as to face in the other direction):turn/swing~to face the window转/转身面对窗户;look~(at sb)转身(看某人);turn a chair/a car/a picture/one's head~ 把一把椅子掉个头/把一辆汽车转个方向/把画翻过来/回头;The ship was swinging~. 船在掉头。
 (6)到处,附近,周围(here and there;in no particular place or direction):rush~in all directions 四面八方乱跑;show sb~ 带某人四处看看;(have a) look/walk/move~ 四处看看/走走/转转;drive~ 开车转转;look~for a box of matches 环顾四周找火柴;own the land for miles~ 拥有方圆数英里的土地;move the furniture~ 移动家具;
 (7)绕道地,迂回地(not going a straight or short way):go (walk/drive)~by the pond/the bridge/the post office (走/开车)绕过那个池塘/那座桥/邮局;go~to the back door/the shop 绕到后门去/绕道去那家商店;go the long way~绕远道;
 (8)去(在)某个特定的地点(to or at a particular place or sb's home)(infml):go (come)~to see sb/to Michael's/to the grocer's 去(来)看某人/迈克尔家/食品店;invite/ask/bring friends~邀请/叫/带朋友来;The car/He will be~in a few minutes. 汽车/他几分钟后就到。He is~at the meeting. 他来开会了。
 round about在附近一带:There're not many people~about. 附近没多少人。
 →′roundabout n 迂回路线,道路交叉处的环形路;旋转标;adj 迂回的,不直接的;
 n (1)圆形食物((of food) sth round and usually flat in shape)[C]:a~of ham 一个火腿三明治;a~of pastry/toast/bread/beef 一块酥皮蛋糕/一块烤面包片/一块面包片/一大片牛肉;a~of bread and butter 一片黄油面包;cut the toast into small~s 把面包切成小圆片;
 (2)例行路线(程序)(customary course of places visited or duties performed)[C]:a postman's/milkman's~邮递员的投递/送奶工的送奶线路;The watchman/doctor was on his~s. 看守在巡视/医生在巡诊。do a paper~给各家送报;do (make) the~s of calls/visits/the wards 到(到)各家拜访/拜访/查病房;a long~of meetings 一个接一个的会议;one's daily~(fig)(某人的)日常工作;〖同〗watch,beat,circle;
 (3)请每人一份的酒(或饮料)(number of drinks bought at one time for a group of people)[C]:Let me stand you all a~of drinks/beer. 让我请你们所有的人喝饮料/啤酒。pay for/order a~掏钱/买酒请客;Is it your~? 是不是你请客?It's my~. 我来请客。
 (4)一系列(连串),一阵 (series of similar events or activities one after another;general outburst of cheering)[C][N(of)]:a (continual)~of parties/visits/rallies 一连串(连续不断)的聚会/拜访/集会;a~of wage claims 连续不断地要求提高工资;give sb/sth a~of applause 为某人/某事一阵阵地鼓掌;have a good~of applause for sth 为某事鼓掌叫好;(sth) bring a~of cheer(某事)带来一阵欢呼;〖同〗series,succession;
 (5)(比赛,谈判)一轮(局,回合)(stage of competition;sessionas of a negotiation)[C]:the first~of talks/elections/the Football Association Cup 第一轮的谈判/选举/足协杯赛;a match of 15~s 一场15回合的比赛;the semifinal~半决赛;have (play) a~of cards/golf 打(玩)一局牌/高尔夫球;give in/be knocked out/be eliminated in the sixth~(in R~6)在第六局中认输/被击倒/遭淘汰;Each~of the boxing match lasts two minutes. 拳击比赛的每个回合持续两分钟。What is the~? The eleventh. 第几局(轮、回合)了?第11局(轮、回合)。
 (6)(弹药的)一发;(枪炮的)齐放(one single discharge by a gun or more guns)[C]:five hundred~s of ammunition 500发弹药;The mob carried 100~s/fired several ~s at us. 那伙暴徒有100发子弹/向我们打了几枪。fire~after~一枪接一枪地射击;
 do/go the rounds(of sth)到处去游玩:They did/went the~s of the shops in the city. 他们在这座城市转了一个又一个的商店。
 go the round 传播(开):The flu/The news/The rumour soon went the~(of the range). 流感/这一消息/谣言很快(在这个地区)传开了。
 in the round 1)舞台设在剧场中央的:There is no theatre in the~in this city. 这座城市里没有将舞台设在剧场中央的剧院。2)圆雕的:a statue in the~立体雕像;
 v (1)(使)成圆形((cause to)become round)[T+nI]:~one's lips 撮圆嘴唇;~the clay into a sphere 把泥团成球;The action of water~s the stones in a river. 水的流动把河里的石头磨圆了。Her eyes~ed with surprise. 她惊讶地瞪圆了眼睛。the girl's~ed breasts 姑娘丰满的乳胸;
 (2)绕(拐)弯,环绕(move with turning motion)[T+n]:~Cape Horn/the silent lake/the hill/the corner 绕过合恩角/那个静静的湖/那座山/那个拐角;The motorcycle~ed the bend at high speed. 摩托车飞快地拐过那个弯道。
 round off(v adv) 1)使圆满结束(vt):He~ed off his tour by a last call at Paris. 他最后来到巴黎,圆满结束了他的旅游。 He~ed off the day with a supper at a small restaurant. 在一家小饭店吃了顿晚饭,以此结束了他的一天。2)磨成圆(弧)形(vt):He~ed off the sharp corners with a file. 他用锉刀把那些尖角磨圆了。
 round on/upon (v prep)突然怒斥(攻击)(vt):The mistress~ed on the maid because of the burned saucepan. 女主人狠狠地责备了那个女仆,因为她把炖锅的底烧焦了。
 round out (v adv) 1)使丰满(v):A few weeks of good food soon~ed out the child's cheeks. 吃了几个星期的好饭食,那个孩子的脸变圆了。2)使完美(成)(vt):He~ed out the concert with an encore. 他应听众的要求又重演了一遍,这才结束了这场音乐会。
 round up (v adv) 1)使集合(vt):The teacher~ed up the pupils and took them back to the school. 老师把学生们集合起来,然后带他们回学校。2)搜捕:One day after the riots the police~ed up all the suspects. 暴乱后一天,警察搜捕所有的嫌疑犯。
 round up/down (v adv)四舍五入把某数化为整数(vt):He~ed the price down (from $2.21)/up (from $1.89) to $2. 他把价格(从2.21/1.89美元)四舍五入为两美元。
 →′round-up adj 聚拢(集);摘要,综述;
 prep (1)围(环)着(in a circle position on a or some sides(without turning)):draw a scarf (a blanket/a cloak)~one's head/one's shoulders/sb 拽过一条围巾(一条毯子/一件斗篷)围在头上/裹住肩膀/裹住某人;sit/stand/crowd/gather~a table/a person 坐/站/挤/聚集在桌子/一个人的周围;tie a belt~one's waist 把皮带系在腰上;clasp one's hands~one's knees 用双手紧抱双膝;put one's arms~one's husband 伸出双臂拥抱丈夫;Dark circles lay~her eyes. 她的眼睛周围有黑眼圈。There are footmarks~the house. 房子周围都是脚印。
 (2)围(环)绕着……(转)(with a circular motionabout a centre):dance~a tree 绕着树跳舞; run~a track 沿着跑道跑;sail~the earth/the world 环球/环球航行;The earth moves/goes~the sun/its axis. 地球绕着太阳/地轴旋转。
 (3)四周,附近,各处(everywhere in or near;to or at all parts of):show sb~ the town 领某人参观镇子的各处; drive/go/wander~the city 在城市的周围(附近)开车兜风/转转/逛逛;look~the shop 到商店看看;get the information from~the country 从全国各地收集信息;The police were positioned~the district. 这个地区到处都是警察。Three stores of his scattered~the district. 他有三家商店分布在这个地区的各处。The news spread~city. 消息传遍了全市。
 (4)绕过(to or at the other or far side of sth): drive/go~the corner/the fallen tree/the hill 开车绕/绕过那个拐角/那棵倒下的树/那座小山;Our house is~the next bend. 我们家就在下个拐弯处那边。They live in New Cavendish street~the corner. 他们住在拐角那边的新凯文狄士街。He's~the back of the house. 他在房子后面。
 (5)大约(about)(=round about):a couple of weeks~Christmas/Easter 圣诞节/复活节前后一两周;arrive/get there~(about)4 o'clock 约4点钟到达/到那儿;It happened~(about)1950 这事大约发生在1950年。It costs~(about)$20. 它的价钱大约是20美元。We have somewhere~(about)200 sheep. 我们大约有200只羊。





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