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单词 rot
rot/rɒt, AmE rɑ:t/ v [-tt-;-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n

v (使)腐烂(朽)((cause to)become bad or decayed)[II+advT+nT+n+adv]:The apples/fruit~ted on the ground. 地上的苹果/水果全烂了。The meat~ted because it wasn't refrigerated. 因为没有放入冰箱,肉变质了。~in a prison/dungeon/hole(fig)在监狱/地牢/洞里苟延残喘;Some of Tom's teeth have/The wood has~ted away completely. 汤姆的几颗牙齿/那根木头已被完全蛀蚀了。Disease and bad weather/Water~ted the grain crop. 病虫害和坏天气/水使粮食腐烂了。Oil~ed the rubber. 油使橡胶变质了。Immoderate quantities of drink and ambition~ted his mind. 无节制的酗酒和野心使他的头脑失去了活力。The continual rain~ted leaves away. 连绵不断的雨使树叶烂掉了。a heap of~ting leaves 一堆烂树叶;〖同〗go bad,decay,spoil;

n (1)腐烂(朽)(decay;process of rotting or the result of being rotted)[U]:The house is suffering from~. 这所房子正遭受着腐蚀。 The tree is affected by~. 这棵树已枯朽了。R~has set in. 开始腐烂了。dry/damp~干腐(病)/潮湿腐烂;stop the~(in our society) (fig) 制止(我们社会的)腐败;a tree full of~多处朽烂的树;〖同〗rotting,decay,corruption;

(2)胡说八道(nonsense;foolish remarks)[U](BrE,sl):Don't talk (such)~! 别胡说!You don't believe that~,do you? 你并不相信那番胡言乱语,对吗?That's complete~. 那完全是胡说八道。talk a lot of~尽是胡说八道;“They're bound to lose.”“R~. They have some chances!” “他们肯定输。” “胡说。他们还有机会。”〖同〗trash,rubbish,nonsense;

the rot sets in 情况开始变坏:The~set in when she allowed that man to live under her roof. 在她允许那个男人住进她家后,情况就越来越糟。

→′rotten adj 腐烂的;败坏的;






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