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❶ (从中心到表面各点距离都相等的立体) sphere; globe: 复 ~ complex sphere; 同调 ~ homology sphere; 虚 ~ imaginary sphere
❷ (球形物) anything shaped like a ball: 煤 ~ (egg-shaped) briquet; 气 ~ balloon; 雪 ~ snowball; 月 ~ the moon; 线已经绕成 ~ 了。 The threads are wound into a ball.
❸ (某些体育用品) ball: 传 ~ pass the ball; 篮 ~ basketball; 足 ~ football
❹ (球类运动) ball games: 看 ~ watch a ball game; 打垒 ~ play softball
❺ (地球) the globe; the earth: 东半 ~ the Eastern Hemisphere; 全 ~ 战略 global strategy; 他作环 ~ 航行。 He sailed round the globe.
◆球棒 club; 球场 a ground where ball games are played; ball park; diamond; court; field; 球带 spherical zone; 球胆 bladder (of a ball); 球蛋白 globulin; globin; X-protein; 球队 (ball game) team; 球阀 ball check; ball valve; 球杆 ball arm; 球罐 {石油} sphere; 球棍 stick (sports equipment); 球果 {植} cone; strobile; strobil; strobilus; 球茎 {植} carmus; corm; bulbodium; solid bulb; 球径 sphere diameter; 球菌 {微} coccus; Coccidia; sphaerita; 球类运动 ball games; 球路 path of the ball; 球门 {体} goal; 球迷 (ball game) fan; 球面 spherical surface; sphere; 球面镜 spherical mirror; 球模型 spherical model; 球磨 ball-milling; 球磨机 ball mill; ball grinder; 球拍 (tennis, badminton, etc.) racket; (pingpong) bat; 球赛 ball game; match; 球坛 the ball-playing world; ball- playing circles; ball-players; 球体 spherome; sphere; orb; spheroid; spherite; 球网 net (for ball games); 球窝 ball socket; 球鞋 gym shoes; tennis shoes; sneakers; shoes for games; 球心 centre of sphere; 球形 sphere; sphericity; spherical; globular; round; 球艺 skills in playing a ball game; ball game skills; 球状 spherality; globular







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