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单词 班荆道故

班荆道故bān jīng dào gù

sit (/squat) on the grass (/leaves strewn over the ground) and chat of the old times—old friends meet on the way and talk about old days
❍ 伍举娶于王子牟,王子牟为申公而亡。楚人曰,伍举实送之。伍举奔郑,将遂奔晋。声子将如晋,遇之于郑郊,班荆相与食,而言复故。(《左传·襄二十六年》)Wu Ju married the king’s son Mu,who was duke of Shen,and who was obliged to flee from the state.The people of Chu said that he had been escorted away by Wu,who then fled to Zheng,intending to continue his flight further on a mission to Jin,and met him in the suburbs of Zheng. They spread some branches on the ground,ate together,and talked about old times.

班荆道故bān jīnɡ dào ɡù

用黄荆铺地,坐在上面谈论以前的事情。形容朋友在途中相遇,共叙旧情。meet on the way and chat of old times, squat on the grass and chat of old times





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