释义 |
玲珑剔透líng lóng tī tòube beautifully wrought;cunningly (/exquisitely/intricately) carved ❍ 那厮爱女娘的心,见的便似驴共狗,卖弄他~。(《关汉卿戏剧集·赵盼儿风月救风尘》118) That dangler after women is like a dog or donkey; I know he'll be up to his tricks to please me. ❍ 刘老老掀帘进去,抬头一看,只见四面墙壁,~,琴剑瓶炉,皆贴在墙上; …… (《红楼梦》509) She lifted this,stepped through and looked around. The four walls here were panelled with cunningly carved shelves on which were displayed yres,swords,vases and incense burners. ❍ 刘老老因见那小面果子儿都~,各式各样,…… (《红楼梦》 504)Granny Liu was struck by the daintiness and variety of the small pastries. ❍ 譬如好木,太要做~,木质就不坚了。(《红楼梦》 1131)…that would undermine her strength just as in the case of good wood if it's carved too intricately. 玲珑剔透línɡ lónɡ tì tòu玲珑:精致灵巧;剔:剔除;透:透亮。形容做工精细、内部镂空的工艺品;形容人精明灵活,伶俐乖巧。exquisitely carved, beautifully wrought |