玩[Ⅰ❶ ❷顽、Ⅰ ❸ ❹Ⅱ翫]wánⅠ ❶ (玩耍; 游戏) play; have fun; amuse oneself: ~ 牌 play cards; ~ 儿足球 play football; 在海边 ~ enjoy oneself at seaside; 真好 ~ 儿! That's great fun! 我们在大连 ~ 了几天。 We spent a few days enjoying ourselves in Dalian. 我们在这次野餐中 ~ 得很痛快。 We had lots of fun at the picnic. ❷ (使用) employ; play; resort to: ~ 花招儿 play tricks; ~ 弄阴谋诡计 resort to schemes and intrigues ❸ (轻视; 戏弄) treat lightly; make fun of; trifle with: ~ 法 trifle with the law; ~ 弄感情 trifle with sb.'s affections; 这事可不是闹着 ~ 的。 The matter is not to be neglected. ❹ (观赏) appreciate; enjoy: 游 ~ go sight-seeing; stroll about; ~ 月 enjoy looking at the moon; ~ 儿邮票 make a hobby of collecting stamps Ⅱ (供观赏之物) object for appreciation: 古 ~ curio; antique; 古 ~ 店 a curiosity shop ◆玩儿命 [口] gamble [play] with one's life; risk one's life needlessly; 玩儿票 [旧] amateur performance; 玩儿完 [口] The jig is up.; 玩法自毙 Those who play with lawsuits (often) get bitten themselves.; 玩风弄月 play with the winds and sport with the moonbeams; 玩忽 neglect; trifle with; ignore; take things lightly; 玩忽职守 be forgetful of one's duties; dereliction of duty; ignore one's duty; neglect of duty; slight one's duty [work]; be asleep at the switch; neglect one's duties; 玩忽职守罪 crime due to dereliction of duty; 玩花招 play tricks; 玩火 play with fire; 玩火自焚 stir up a fire and burn oneself; burn one's own fingers; get burnt by playing with fire; He who plays with fire gets burned.; play with fire and perish by it; Those who play with fire will burn their own fingers.; Those who play with fire will get burned in the end.; Those who play with fire will perish by fire.; Whoever plays with fire will get burnt.; 玩剑者必死于剑下 All that take the sword shall perish with the sword.; 玩具 toy; plaything; 玩弄 dally with; flirt with; play with; juggle with; 玩弄权术 resort to the expediency of ...; 玩偶 doll; toy figurine; 玩赏 enjoy; take pleasure [delight] in; 玩世不恭 be cynical; a hippy; disdain worldly affairs; live in defiance of conventions; take a cynical attitude towards life; throw restraint to the winds and lead a licentious life; treat all things indecorously; 玩耍 play; have fun; amuse oneself; 玩味 ponder; ruminate; contemplate; 玩物 plaything; toy; 玩物丧志 sap one's spirit by seeking pleasures; Excessive attention to trivialities [trivia] saps the will.; play through life and have no serious ambition; riding a hobby saps one's will to make progress; Sensuous luxury blunts the edge of one's determination.; trifle with playthings and lose one's lofty aspirations; 玩狎 [书] play with frivolously; dally with; 玩笑 joke; jest; 玩厌吃腻 be tired of playing [loafing] and satiated with eating; have a satiety of sth.; 玩意[艺]儿 [口] toy; plaything; thing; 玩于股掌之上 have sb. under one's complete control; twist sb. around one's (little) finger; (come) under the thumb of sb. |