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单词 accommodation
accommodation/ə ͵kɒmə′deɪ ʃn, AmE -͵kɑ:mǝ′-/ n

(1) 1)房间(room(s) in a house or hotel for living in)[U](BrE):It is difficult to find~here in summer.这里夏天房子难找。suitable/cheap/temporary/permanent~合适/便宜/临时/永久的住处;hotel~旅馆房间;What kind of~did you have at the hotel/on the ship? 你在那旅店/船上住的什么房间? How did you like your~at the hotel? 你觉得你在旅馆住的房间怎么样? Wanted,~for a single woman.求租单身女子住房。There is a shortage of~.房间短缺。〖同〗rooms,lodgings,quarters,housing;2)住处;膳宿(lodgings;rooms and board)[Cpl](AmE):request~s for two nights 请求住宿两个晚上;wire a hotel for~s 打电报给旅馆定房间;motel~s 汽车旅馆的食宿招待;〖同〗lodgings;

(2)地方(space for sth)[U]:There is~for cars behind the building.楼后有存车的地方。The hotel has~for 100 people.这旅馆住得下100人。

(3)恩惠,善行(favour)[C]:She did it for me as an~.她做好事替我干了此事。

(4)调节,适应(process of changing sth so that it suits new conditions)[U][N(of,to)](fml):arrange the~of one's desires to one's small income/one's plan to sb else's使自己的愿望与微薄的收入适应/自己的计划适应别人的计划;

(5)和解(agreement or compromise)[C](fml):come to/reach a satisfactory~达成圆满的和解;〖同〗agreement,compromise,settlement,adjustment;

← ac′commodate v





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