(构词成分): ~ 豆 [- dòu] (古代刻有纹饰的礼器) an ancient sacrificial vessel carved with ornamental lines; ~ 尊 [- zūn] (古代饰有翡翠的酒樽) a kind of ancient drinking vessel ornamented with jadeite
另见 see also xiàn。
Ⅰ ❶ (恭敬庄严地送给) offer; present; dedicate; donate: 把青春 ~ 给祖国 dedicate one's youth to one's country; 敬 ~ 花圈 lay a wreath; 向血库 ~ 血 donate blood to a blood bank; 他们向老师 ~ 花。 They presented flowers to their teachers. 我谨以此书 ~ 给我的父亲, 以表示对他的爱戴和感激之情。 To my father I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude.
❷ (表现给人看) show; put on; display: ~ 绝技 show one's unique skill Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 则 Xian Ze
另见 see also suō。
◆献宝 present a treasure; offer a valuable piece of advice or one's valuable experience; show off what one treasures; display what one cherishes; 献策 offer advice; make suggestions; 献城求降 surrender the city and ask for allegiance; 献丑 [谦] show oneself up; present a show or performance; show one's incompetence [inadequacy]; 献词 congratulatory message [address]; 献花 present bouquet [flowers]; 献花圈 lay a wreath; 献技 show one's skill; 献祭 offer up a sacrifice; 献计 offer advice; make suggestions; 献计献策 come up with new and better ways to do things; contribute ideas and exert efforts for; 献可替否 persuade sb. to do good and dissuade him from doing evil; 献礼 present a gift; 献媚 try to ingratiate oneself with; curry favour with; flatter; make up to; 献媚求宠 insinuate oneself into sb.'s favor; use flattery to court one's favour; 献媚讨好 fawn on and curry favour with; toady and get advantage from — to ingratiate oneself with; 献曝之忱[诚] the sincerity of offering the warmth of the sun to sb. — to prove one's honesty; 献旗 present a banner; 献芹献曝 offer parsley and the warmth of the sun; 献芹之意 It is only a small gift! — selfdepreciatory phrase in giving a present; 献邱 a surname; 献身 devote oneself to; dedicate oneself to; give one's life for; 献血 donate blood; 献血献皮 donate one's blood and skin; 献眼救盲 donate one's eye to a blind person; 献艺 demonstrate one's talents; 献殷勤 pay one's addresses [attention] to; make up to (sb.); please sb.; show sb. excessive attentions