猜cāi ❶ (推测;凭想象估计) guess;conjecture;speculate: ~ 着一个迷语 guess a riddle; 我 ~ 他有50岁了。 I should guess his age at 50. ❷ (起疑心) suspect: 我 ~ 他和这件事有点牵连。 I suspect that he is more or less involved in the affair. ❸ [书] (恨;嫉恨) hate;envy and hate ❹ [书] (嫌恶;嫌弃) detest;loathe;dislike and avoid;cold-shoulder ❺ [书] (恐惧;害怕) fear;be afraid;be scared ❻ [书] (看) see;look at ❼ [书] (看待) look on [upon];regard;treat ◆猜不透 unable to guess;unable to make out (what's on his mind); 猜不着 cannot guess;unable to reach [make out] (the right answer);miss one's guess; 猜测 guess;conjecture;surmise;speculate; 猜对[中] hit it;guess; 猜度 surmise;conjecture;guess and assess; 猜忌 be suspicious and jealous of;be envious;envy; 猜谜儿 (猜谜底) guess a riddle;solve riddles;(猜测) guess;guess the spe ̄a ̄ker's real intention or the truth of the matter; 猜拳 (play the) finger-guessing game; 猜透 outguess;make a correct guess; 猜想 suppose;guess;suspect;{数} conjecture; 猜疑 harbour suspicions;be suspicious;have misgivings; 猜中 guess correctly;solve (a riddle) |