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(打猎; 捕捉禽兽) hunt: ~ 兔 hunt hare; ~ 其菁华 gather and select the best in writing; 渔 ~ hunting and fishing; 他们住在山洞里, ~ 取野兽, 采集果子。 They lived in caves, hunted animals and gathered fruit. Ⅱ ❶ (打猎的) hunt ̄ing: ~ 装 hunting dress; hunting jacket; ~ 装 hunting jacket
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 舒 Lie Shu
◆猎豹 {脊椎} cheetah; 猎场 hunting ground; 猎刀 hunting knife; 猎狗 courser; hunting dog; hound; trackhound; 猎户 hunter; huntsman; {天} Orion; 猎户座 {天} Orion; 猎获 capture or kill in hunting; bag; 猎具 hunting equipment; 猎猎 [书] (of wind) whistling; 猎马 hunter; 猎奇 hunt for novelty; seek novelty; 猎潜艇 hunter-killer; submarine chaser; 猎枪 shotgun; fowling piece; hunting rifle; scattergun; sporting gun; 猎区 hunting-field; 猎取 hunt; pursue; seek; hunt for; 猎犬 hunter; sleuth; sleuth hound; rach; 猎人 hunter; huntsman; 猎手 hunter; 猎兽 beast of chase; venison; 猎网 hunting net; 猎物 prey; quarry; game; 猎鹰 falcon; shikra





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