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单词 easy
释义 easy /'i:zi; 'izi/ (-ier, -iest) adj 1 not difficult: 容易的: an ~ book. 易读的书。 The place is ~ to reach. 那地方容易到达。 It is an ~place to reach. 那是个容易到达的地方。 2 free from pain, discom fort, anxiety, trouble, etc: 舒适的; 安心的; 畅快的; 轻卷的: to lead an ~ life; 过舒适的生活; in ~ circumstances, having enough money to live comfortably; 生活优裕; an i ~ chair, one that is soft and restful; 安乐椅; 柔软舒适的椅子; ~ manners, not showing stiffness or embarrassment; 从容的态度; (to buy furniture) on ~ terms, trade term for hire-purchase; (R 家具)分期付款; persons who are ~ to get on with, people who are informal, not stiff. 容易相处的人(不拘谨的人)。 'going, (of persons) placid and tolerant; casual; lazy and careless; lax. (指人)温和宽容的; 随便的; 懒惰并马虎的; 不严格的。 3 (comm) (of goods and money on loan) not much in demand .( 商)(指货物与唇款)需求不殷的; 松动的。 → tight. adv in an ~ manner: 安适地; 轻松地: E~! (as a command) Move (it) gently. (命令)轻轻地移动(它)! take it/things ~, don't work too hard or too energetically. 轻松一点; 勿太紧张。 go ~ on/with, (col-loq) be careful or moderate with: (俗)小心对待; 温而对待: Go ~ on the brandy—it's the last bottle! 白兰地要省着点喝 —— 这是最后一瓶了! Easier said than done, It is easier to say one will do it than to do it. 说来容易做来难。 Stand ~, (as a mil command) Stand with more freedom of movement than when at ease, cease'. (军队口令)休息(比 stand at ease 有更多活动的自由)。 easily /'fczali; Uziii/ adv 1 with ease. 容易地; 安适地。 2 without doubt: 无疑 %: easily the best TV programme. 无疑为最佳电视节目。 3 possibly: 可能地: That may easily be the case. 情况可能就是那样。




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