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单词 earth
释义 earth /z:9 ; 30/ n 1 (the) ~,this world; the planet on which we live: 窍球; 世界: The moon goes round the ~ and the ~ goes round the sun. 月亮绕地球运转,而地球绕太阳运转。 Who do you think was the greatest man on ~? 你认为谁是世界上最伟大的人? O the illus at, planet. 参看 planet 之插图。 2 [U] land surface of the world; land contrasted with the sky: 陆地; 大地: The balloon burst and fell to ~. 气球爆了,落在地上。 come down/batk to ~, stop daydreaming; return to practical realities. 返回现实。 move heaven and ~ (to do sth), make every possible effort. 用忠办法; 竭力。 how/ why/where/who, etc on ~, how/why, etc ever.... (used for emphasis; cever), 究竟如何 (为何,在何处, 是谁等) (用以加强语气) 。 3 [U] soil: 泥土: to fill a pit with ~; 用泥土填坑; to cover the roots of a plant with ~. 将植物的根用泥土埋上。 ,■closet, latrine; substitute for a lavatory in, places where there is no supply of water from 'mains, etc. (K 抽水设备等的) 厕济 / ~- nut, groundnut. 落花生。 '~work, embankment of ~ used in fortifications as a defence. 泥土筑成的防御工事。 ' ~- worm, common kind of worm that lives in the soil. 蚯蚓。 4 [C] hole of a fox, badger or other wild animal: (狐狸、灌或其他野兽之) 洞; 兽穴: to stop an ~, block it up so that the animal cannot return to it. 填塞兽洞 (使其无法返洞) 。 run/go to ~, (of a fox) go into its hole. (指孤) 入其洞穴。 run sth/sb to ~, hunt (a foxf to its burrow; (fig)discover (sth/sb) by searching. 追寻 (狐) 至洞; (喻) 査明; 追究到底。 5 [C, U] (electr) (means of) contact with the ground at the completion of a circuit. (电) 接地; 接地的方法。 6 [C] (chem) one of several metallic oxides. (化学) 数种金属氧化物之一。 v/ 1 [VP15B] ~ up, cover with ~: 宙以上: to ~ up the roots of a newly-planted shrub. 用土埋起新植灌木之根。 2 [VP6A] (electr) connect (an apparatus, etc) with the ~ (电)接 (装置等) 于地。 → 5 above. 参看上列第 5 义。 ~y adj 1 of or like ~ or soil: 泥土的; 土状的: an ~y smell. 土味; 泥土气息。 2 (fig) grossly material; unaffected, unrefined: (糸) 粗俗的; 超模的: the ~y and robust men and women in the paintings of Rubens. 鲁宾斯昼中的纯朴而壮健的男女。




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