Ⅰ ❶ (凶恶;残忍) ruthless;relentless: 比豺狼还 ~ more savage than a wolf;
心 ~ 手辣 cruel and evil;wicked and merciless;
凶 ~ ferocious and ruthless
❷ (坚决) firm;resolute: ~ ~ 打击歪风邪气 take vigorous measures to counter evil trends;
就是要有这股 ~ 劲。 This is the kind of fortitude we must have. Ⅱ (控制感情;下定决心) suppress (one's feelings);harden (the heart): 我 ~ 着心把泪止住。 I made a terrific effort to refrain from tears. Ⅲ 同“很” [hěn] same as “很” [hěn]
另见 see also hǎnɡ。
◆狠毒 vicious;atrocious;brutal;cruel;malicious;venomous;
狠狠打击 hit hard at ...;
狠狠地 brutally;cruelly;mercilessly;severely;in cold blood;
狠戾 atrocious;cruel;vicious;
狠命 make a desperate effort;use all the strength;
狠心 make up one's mind;be resolute;cruel;cruel-hearted;heartless;merciless;pitiless;ruthless