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单词 狗血喷头

狗血喷头狗血淋头gǒu xuè pēn tóu

pour dog's blood on (/over) sb's head—pour out a flood of invective against sh; let loose a stream of abuse against sb
❍ 这些同案的人约范进去乡试。范进因没有盘费,走去同丈人商议,被胡屠户一口啐在脸上,骂了一个~,……(《儒林外史》 30) Fan Jin's fellow candidates asked him to go with them to the provincial capital for the examination,but he had no money for the journey. He went to ask his father-in-law to help.Butcher Hu spat in his face,and poured out a torrent of abuse.…

狗血喷头gou xue pen tou

pour invective upon sb.’s head

狗血喷头ɡǒu xuè pēn tóu

形容骂得很凶。pour out a torrent of abuse, let loose a stream of abuse against, curse at full blast





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