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Ⅰ ❶ {动} (哺乳动物) dog:猎 ~ hunting dog;hound;
哈巴 ~ Pekingese;Peking poodle;
癞皮 ~ mangy dog;
走 ~ running dog;
丧家 ~ stray dog;
疯 ~ dog infected with rabies;
母 ~ bitch;
小 ~ puppy;~ 咬 biting of a dog;~ 屎 dog's droppings
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 未央 Gou Weiyang Ⅱ [骂] (该死的;可恶的) damned;cursed:~ 地主 the cursed landlord
◆狗宝 {中药} the stone of a dog's gallbladder,kidney or bladder;
狗吃屎,狼吃人 Dogs eat turds,wolves eat men.;What is bred in the bone will not go out of the flesh.;
狗胆包天 monstrous audacity;
狗洞 doghole;
狗吠 bark;
狗吠非主 The dog barks at a man who is not his master.;
狗吠声 boof;
狗肝菜 {中药} Dicliptera chinensis;
狗苟蝇营 ingratiate oneself with someone to gain one's ends;seek personal gain shamelessly;
狗鲑 dog salmon;
狗獾 badger;
狗茴香 mayweed;
狗急跳墙 A dog will leap over a wall in desperation.;A cornered beast will do something desperate.;A cornered dog will leap over a wall (in desperation).;A desperate dog tries to jump over the wall.;Desperation drives a dog to jump over a wall.;Dispair gives courage to a coward.;Drive a dog into a corner and he'll fight.;One will take desperate measures if pushed to the wall.;Tread on a worm and it will turn.;
狗脊 {中药} rhizoma cibotii;
狗恐怖 {心理} cynophobia;
狗拿耗子,多管闲事 a dog trying to catch mice;poke one's nose into other people's business;too meddlesome;
狗刨 (一种游泳姿势) dog paddle;
狗皮(绒) dogskin;
狗皮膏药 {中药} dogskin plaster (a plaster for rheumatism,strains,contusions,etc.,formerly spread on dogskin,but now usually. on cloth);quack medicine;
狗屁 [骂] horseshit;rubbish;nonsense;
狗屁不通 Mere trash!;Absurd!;Rubbish!;Baloney!;Nonsense!;unreadable rubbish;
狗屁倒灶 [方] disorganized;
狗荨麻 dog nettle;
狗橇比赛 dogsled racing;
狗哨 dog whistle;
狗屎堆 a deep of dog's droppings;a pile of dog's dung;
狗噬不食 It is not even fit for the kennel.;
狗绦虫 dog tapeworm;
狗偷鼠窃 a petty theft;
狗头军师 a person who offers bad advice;inept adviser;villainous adviser;a good-for-nothing adviser;
狗头上生角 a dog's head sprouting horns — be impossible;
狗腿子 [口] hired thug;lackey;henchman;
狗拖车 dog-cart;
狗尾草 (谷莠子) green bristlegrass;
狗尾猴 malbrouck;
狗尾续貂 make an unworthy continuation of a great work;a wretched sequel to fine work;write a deplorable sequel to a masterpiece;
狗窝[舍] kennel;doghouse;
狗熊 black bear;coward;
狗鳕 hake;
狗血淋头 pour dog's blood on ...;be cursed by ...;
狗血喷头 pour out a torrent of abuse;abuse ... up hill and down dale;be scolded in a very humiliating fashion;curse at full blast;curse someone very throughly.;douse sb. in a torrent of abuse;let loose a stream of abuse (against sb.);plaster a person with abuses;pour out a flood of invective against sb.;pour out a stream of abuse against sb.;thoroughly curse sb.;
狗牙根 Bermuda grass;
狗眼看人(低) (especially indicating a person of low position) look down upon everybody else;judge people by wealth and power;act like a snob;be a bloodly snob;be damned snobbish;
狗咬狗 dog-eat-dog;dogfight;
狗咬吕洞宾 snarl and snap at Lü Dongbin — wrong a kind-hearted person;mistake a good man for a bad one;
狗蝇 dog louse fly;
狗鱼 Esox reicherti;luce;pike;tiger;
狗崽子 pup;puppy;[骂] son of a bitch;
狗蚤 dog flea;
狗仗人势 like a dog threatening people on the strength of it's master's power — be a bully under the protection of a powerful person;A dog bites on the strengh of his master's position.;(like) a dog counting on its master's backing;An underling gets haughty on the strength of an influential relative.;bully others because of one's master's power and position;
狗彘不如[食] a worthless fellow;a lewd man who holds [has] no moral principles;worse than a cur or a swine;
狗嘴里长不出象牙 No ivory will come of a dog's mouth.;A cracked bell can never sound well.;A filthy mouth can't utter decent language.;No ivory issues from the mouth of a dog;One cannot expect to find elephant tusks in the mouth of a dog — A mean fellow never speaks nice things.;One doesn't expect ivory from a dog's mouth.;You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.;You don't find ivory in a dog's mouth.





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