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单词 狐群狗党

狐群狗党狐朋狗党;狐朋狗友hú qún gǒu dǎng

a pack of wolves and dogs—a bad lot;a bunch of rascals or petty politicians; a cabal (/gang/pack) of scoundrels (/rogues);evil associates
❍ 时贼兵虽众,都是~,并无队伍行列。(《三国演义》104)Though the rebels were numerous,they were a poor lot,a mere pack of foxes and dogs without organi zation and lacking discipline.
❍ 连一个正经的也没有,来一起子,都是些~! (《红楼梦》1179) There’s not a single decent sort among the whole foxy lot. They’re a pack of curs! …/都是些狐朋狗党! (《关汉卿戏剧集·关大王独赴单刀会》249) They are merely foxes and jackals!/恼的是那狐朋狗友,搬弄是非,调三窝四;……(《红楼梦》120) She was upset to think that those horrible boys at the school should be able to twist things round and say such terrible things about him.

狐群狗党hu qun gou dang

pack of rogues

狐群狗党hú qún ɡǒu dǎnɡ

比喻勾结在一起的一帮游手好闲、好吃懒做的朋友。evil associates, a gang of scoundrels, a herd of wolves, a bad lot, a cabal of scoundrels, a bunch of rascals





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