释义 |
狐疑不决狐疑不定;狐疑不断hú yí bù juébe indecisive; falter; hesitate; waver ❍ 你必须当机立断。如果还~,一定会贻误战机。You’ve got to make a prompt decision. If you remain so indecisive,you are sure to bungle the chance of winning a battle. ❍ 即将下一本开看,偏又不是,只好翻来复去,将报看完,终没有接这一本的,心中狐疑不定,更加害怕起来,……(《红楼梦》1293) He picked up the next issue of the gazette,but it was not the right one; and although he looked through the whole pile he could not find the sequel to this report. His heart misgave him. 狐疑不决hú yí bù jué像狐狸那样犹豫不决。waver, suspious and undecided, falter, hesitate, indecisive in one’s mind |