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单词 犯上作乱

犯上作乱fàn shàng zuò luàn

defy one’s superiors and start a rebellion; insubordinate and rebellious;offend one’s superiors and make trouble; rebel against the authority
❍ 你一松,他们就~无所不为了,那还了得!(田汉 《关汉卿》57) Once the lid is loose,there’ll be a deluge of rebellion and they’ll take the law into their own hands.No,you can’t let them go too far!/不犯上而好作乱者,未之有也。(《论语·学而》) There have been none,who,not liking to offend against their superiors,have been fond of stirring up confusion.

犯上作乱fan shang zuo luan

defy one’s superiors and start a rebellion

犯上作乱fàn shànɡ zuò luàn

冒犯师长、反抗朝廷。rebel against authority, insubordinate and rebellious, offend one’s superiors and make trouble, create disorder against the rulers





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