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单词 dust
释义 dust1 /dASt; dASt/ n 1 [U] dry earth or other matter in the form of fine powder, lying on the ground or the surface of objects, or blown about by the wind: 灰尘; 尘土: The ~ was blowing in the streets. 街上窗土飞扬。 When it rains ~ turns into mud. 下雨时尘土变成了泥。 bite the (sl) fall wounded or killed. (俚)受伤倒地或倒薨。 (humbled) in(to) the ~ humiliated (as if lying at the feet of an enemy). 受屈辱(如卧于敌人脚下者然)。 shake the ~ off one's feet, leave in anger or scorn. 愤然离去。 throw '~ in a person's eyes, mislead him; prevent him from seeing the truth. 蒙蔽一人; 欺人。 '~-bowl, area that is denuded of vegetation by drought, unwise farming methods, etc. 因旱灾,种植方法不良等而缺乏植物的地区。 ' ~- coat, coat worn to keep ~ off or out. 御灰尘的外衣; 风衣。 jacket/-wrapper, removable paper cover to protect the binding of a book. 书皮; 包书纸。 '~ pan, pan into which ~ is swept from the floor. 畚箕; 簸箕。 '~-sheet n one for covering furniture not in use. 遮盖不用的像具之防尘布。 2 a ~, cloud of ~:云状尘埃; 烟尘: What a ~ !灰尘漫天! (fig) commotion. (喻)骚动。 kick up/make/raise a ~, (si, fig) cause a commotion. (俚,喻)引起骚动。 3 (in compounds) (用于复合字中) (GB; Cf 参较 US 美 refuse, trash, garbage) household refuse. (英)垃圾。 ~bin. rigid receptacle for this, 垃圾箱。 (Cf 参政 US 美 ash-can, garbage-box.) , ~-cart, vehicle into which ~bins are emptied. 垃圾车。 '-—man /-msn; -man/ (pl -men) man employed (by municipal authorities, etc) to empty ~bins and cart away refuse. 淸除垃圾的工人。 4 (old use, poet or liter) remains of a dead human body: (K用法,诗或文)遗 ..buried with the ~ of (= in the same grave as) one's ancestors. 与祖先遗骸葬在一起。




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