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单词 犬马之劳

犬马之劳犬马之力quǎn mǎ zhī láo

serve like a dog or a horse—be at sb’s beck and call; do whatever one can; give one’s poor (/humble)service; render whatever trifling service one can;serve faithfully
❍ 李某不才,食禄多矣,无功报德,愿施~,……(《水浒全传》791) I’m not talented,and I’ve eaten much of the public larder without performing any meritorious deeds. Now I would like to do my utmost.
❍ 一人奋然出曰: “某愿施~,生擒关某,献于麾下。” (《三国演义》636) “I do,” cried a man;“I will give my poor service for what they are worth.And I will capture this fellow Guan and bring him as an offering before your standard.”/今见大王授了天,得意荣归,特献赭黄袍一件,与大王称庆。肯不弃鄙贱,收纳小人,亦得效~。(《西游记》49) Now that Your Majesty has been given heavenly office and come back in triumph,we would like to offer you this yellow robe as a token of our congratulations. We also hope that you will not reject us although we are low and worthless,but will accept our humble services.
❍ 孔明见其意甚诚,乃曰:“将军既不相弃,愿效~。” (《三国演义》333) This proved to Kongming the sincerity of his desire and he said,“General,if you will accept me,I will render whatever trifling service I can.”

犬马之劳quan ma zhi lao

serve faithly like a dog or a horse


serve faithfully like a dog or horse
愿效~。I am willing to offer my humble service.

犬马之劳quǎn mǎ zhī láo

表示愿意象犬马一样为主人效劳。现多表示心甘情愿地为他人效劳。serve like a dog on a horse, serve one’s master faithfully, humble services as one could





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