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单词 物极必反

物极必反wù jí bì fǎn

a thing turns into its opposite if pushed too far; once a certain limit is reached,a change in the opposite direction is inevitable; things always revert (/reverse)themselves after (/upon) reaching the extreme
❍ 宋郁彬把身子靠在垛口上,看看站在他左右两个全身黑衣的护院打手,摇摇头说:“~。我父亲对待农民也太苛刻……”(杨沫《青春之歌》334) Leaning against an embrasure of the wall,Song glanced at the two guards in black by his side. “Even a worm will turn. …” He shook his head. “My father sometimes goes too far. …”/“~”,错误成了堆,光明就会到来。(《毛泽东选集》304)“Things turn into their opposites when they reach the extreme”; when mistakes pile up,light is not far off.

物极必反wu ji bi fan

things turn into their opposites when they reach the extreme


things will develop in the opposite direction when they go to the extreme;things turn into their opposites when they reach the extreme;extremes meet;once a certain limit is reached,a change in the opposite direction is inevitable
~…。过多的自由,不论是国家的还是个人的,似乎只会转化为过多的奴役。(柏拉图)The excessive increase of anything often causes a reaction in the opposite direction….The excess of liberty,whether in States or individuals,seems only to pass into excess of slavery.(Plato)

物极必反wù jí bì fǎn

极:顶点;反:指向相反的方向转换。形容事物发展到极端,就会向相反的方向转化。Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. extremes meet, Things at the worst will mend. Changes come on at the heels of fortune.





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