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单词 物伤其类

物伤其类wù shāng qí lèi

everyone feels for his fellow creatures; like feels for like; one sympathizes with one’s own as a rule
❍ 我和你是一般犯罪的人,特地报你知道。岂不闻‘兔死狐悲,~’?我们只怕你初来不省得,通你得知。(《水浒全传》342) We’re ordinary prisoners like yourself. That’s why we’re letting you know. ‘When the rabbit dies,the fox mourns. All are of the same animal kingdom.’ You’re new here.We were afraid you might not have heard.
❍ 俗话说的,‘~, 唇亡齿寒’, 我自然有些心惊么! (《红楼梦》953)As the proverb says,‘Everyone feels for his fellow creatures.’ And‘When the lips are gone the teeth will feel the cold.’How can I help being alarmed?/获曰: “‘兔死狐悲,~’。吾与汝皆是各洞之主,往日无冤,何故害我?”(《三国演义》769) “When the hare dies the fox mourns,” said Menghuo. “One sympathizes with one’s own as a rule. We are both chiefs and have been friends. I know not why you should injure me.”/黛玉、宝钗、探春等见迎春的乳母如此,也是“~”的意思,遂都起身笑向贾母讨情。(《红楼梦》947) Daiyu,Baochai and Tanchun sympathizing with her rose to beg the old lady to forgive her nurse.

物伤其类wu shang qi lei

all beings grieve for their fellow’s misfortunes

物伤其类wù shānɡ qí lèi

伤:悲伤;类:指同类。 比喻因同类的死亡感到悲伤。all beings grieve for their fellow beings, like feels for like





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