(commodity or goods) price
严格~纪律。Strictly enforce price regulations/哄抬~jack up (or drive up) prices/提高~raise prices/调整~regulate (or adjust) prices/~波动price fluctuation/~补贴subsidy to make up for price rises/~冻结price freeze/~飞涨soaring price;price hike;prices skyrocket/~急剧上涨sharp rise in price/~上涨幅度过大excessive rise in commodity prices/~失控Prices get out of control;runaway prices/~调控责任制responsibility system for price control targets/~统计statistics for prices/~稳定prices remain stable;stabilize prices/~政策pricing policy/~总水平general (or overall)price level/~螺旋上升price spiral/~变化情况price behavior/~管理办法price control measures(or regulations)/~结构(构成)price mechanism (or structure)/~局Price Bureau/~上涨指数index of price rises/~总指数general price index
搭车涨价take the opportunity (or take advantage of the opportunity,take this as a ready opportunity)to raise prices
价格串通act in collusion to drive up prices
相互串通、操纵市场价格act in collusion to manipulate prices
囤积居奇hoard for speculation
价格浮动(幅度)(margin of)price variation
影响人心安定cause public complaint (or confusion)
稳定人心reassure the public
严厉打击违法定价行为take strong measure against illegal pricing actitities;crack down on illegal pricing activities;severely penalize those who set prices illegally