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单词 revolution
revolution/ ͵revǝ′lu:⨜n/ n

(1)革命((instance of) successful violent attempt to change a political system of a country)[CU]:France seemed to be on the verge of~. 法国似乎处于革命的边缘。foment/stir up~引起/激起革命;start/raise a~开始/掀起一场革命;The Carbonari had two~s and failed.(意大利)烧炭党曾领导两次革命但均告失败。the American/French R~美国独立战争/法国大革命;〖同〗 rebellion,revolt;〖反〗reaction;

(2)根本性(巨大)的变化(complete change in a particular kind of human activity)[C][N(in)](fig):the~in social behaviour/communication/music/the treatment of cancer 在社会行为/通讯/音乐/治疗癌症方面的巨大变革;the Computer/the Industrial R~计算机/工业革命;The invention of motorcar (The air travel) caused/brought about a~in transport (the ways of travelling). 汽车的发明(航空旅行)引起/引起一场交通(旅行方式的)革命。

(3)旋转(一周)(complete circle or turn round a central pointesp of one planet round another)[CU][N(on/round)]:30~s per minute 每分钟转30圈;make/describe a full~使转/画一整圈儿;the~of the seasons 四季的循环;the~of the earth around the sun/the moon round the earth 地球围绕太阳/月亮围绕地球的旋转;The~of the earth on its axis causes day and night. 地球的自转产生了白天和黑夜。〖同〗rotation,circling;

→͵revo′lutionary adj 革命的;n 革命者;͵revo′lutionize,-ise v 使产生根本变化;鼓吹革命思想;






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