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Ⅰ ❶ (养牲畜的圈) fold; pen; stables: 豕 ~ pigpen; 亡羊补 ~ mend the fold after a sheep is lost
❷ (古代祭祀用的牲畜; 牺牲) animals for sacrificial rites; sacrifice: 太 ~ sacrificial ox; 少 ~ sacrificial sheep and pigs
❸ (监狱) prison; jail: 坐 ~ be in jail; be jailed; be put into prison; be imprisoned; be thrown into jail; be in prison
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 成 Lao Cheng Ⅱ (牢固; 经久) firm; durable; fast: 绳子没系 ~。 The rope hasn't been tied fast. 这床不 ~。 The bed is rickety [unstable].
◆牢不可破 be too strong to break; adamant; be indestructible [unbreakable; impregnable]; not be got rid of ...; too strong to be broken; 牢度 fastness; 牢房 skookum-house; cell; ward; 牢固 firm; secure; fast; solid; 牢记 keep firmly in mind; remember well; learn by heart; bear in mind; commit (sth.) to memory; 牢靠 firm; strong; sturdy; dependable; reliable; 牢牢firmly; safely; 牢笼 cage; bonds; trap; snare; [书] draw sb. over to one's side; bind up; tie; fetter; 牢骚 complaint; grievance; discontent; complain; grumble; 牢骚满腹 have [bear] a perpetual grudge against ...; be full of complaints [grievances]; 牢稳 [口] reliable; safe; secure; 牢稳 stable; 牢狱 prison; jail





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