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单词 dry
释义 dry1 /drai; drai/ adj (drier, driest) 1 not wet; free from moisture: 干的; 干燥的: Is this wood dry enough to burn? 这木柴是否干到可以燃烧了 ? g as a 'bone;, bone-'dry, quite dry. 十分干的。 2 not rainy: 无雨的: dry weather; 无雨的天气; having .a low annual rainfall: 年雨量少的; 干旱的: a dry climate. 干旱的气候。 3 not supplying water: 缺汞 W: a dry well; 干涸的井; 枯井; not supplying milk: 无奶的: The cows are dry. 这些毋牛无奶。 4 solid, not liquid: 固体的; 非液体南: dry goods, c12 below. 参看下列第 12 义。 5 without butter: 无奶油的: dry bread/toast. 黛奶油的面包 (烤! i 包片) 。 6 (of wine, etc) not sweet, not fruity in flavour: (指酒等) 无甜味的; 无水果味的: dry wines; 无甜味的酒; a dry martini, a kind of cocktail. 无甜味的马丁尼酒 (一种痹尾酒) 。 7 (colloq) thirsty; causing thirst: (俗) 口渴的; 令人口渴的: to feel dry; 觉得口渴; dry work. 令人口渴的工作。 8 uninteresting; dull: 无趣味的; 枯燥的: 0 dry lecture/book/supject. 枯燥的演讲 (书,问题 ) → dry as 'dust, very dull. 十分枯燥无味的。 9 unemotional; undemonstrative: 感情不露于外的; 不形于色的: dry humour/sarcasm; 一本正经地表达出来的幽默 (讽剌) , a dry fellow. 感情不形于色的人。 10 plain; undisguised: 明白的; 赤裸的: dry facts. 赤裸隗的事实。 11 not connected with liquid: 与液体无关联的: a dry cough, without phlegm; 干咳; a dry death, not by drowning; 死于陆上; a dry shampoo, one in which water is not used. 不用水的洗发剂; 干洗发。 12 (compounds) (复合字) tdry 'battery, electric battery with two or more dry cells. 干董池组。 (dry-bulb ther'mometer, one of two thermometers, one dry and the other kept wet, used for measuring the humidity of the atmosphere. 干球温度计 (一对干湿温度计中之干温度计, 用以测量大气的湿度) 。 ,dry cell, cell in which the chemicals are in a firm paste which does not spill. 干电池。 ,dry-'clean v clean (clothes, etc) by using spirits (eg petrol) instead of water. (用汽为等) 干洗 (衣服等) 。 Hence, 由此产生, .dry- cleaner; ry-'cleaning nn. 'dry dock, → dock' (1). ) dry 'goods, (also called 亦称作 soft goods), (contrasted with meat, groceries, etc) (与 meat, groceries 等相对) corn; (esp US) textiles, drapery. 谷类; (尤用于美国) 网缎呢 Mo .dry 'ice, solid carbon dioxide (used for refrigerating). 干冰 (固体的二氧化碳,用以冷却) 。 ,dry 'measure, measure of capacity for dry goods such as corn. 干量 (量干物如谷类等的容量单位) 。 'dry nurse, not suckling the baby she is caring for. (不喂奶的) 嫌姆。 ,dry 'rot n decay of wood (causing it to crumble to powder), occurring when there is no movement of sir over its surface; (fig) hidden or unsuspected moral or social decay. 木之干腐; (喻) 隐伏或未料到的道德或社会之腐败。 'dry-shod adj, adv without wetting the feet; with dry feet or shoes, 未湿脚的 (地); 脚或鞋未湿的 (地) 。 ,dry-'walling, building of stone walls (eg for a field) without mortar. 不涂灰泥而造石壁 (例如围于田地者) 。 drily /'draih; draih/ adv dryness n




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