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单词 牝鸡司晨

牝鸡司晨pìn jī sī chén

the hen tries to utter cock a-doodle-doo; the hen cackles at dawn instead of the cock—a woman usurping man’s power; the grey mare is the better horse
❍ 历史上~的现象有许多相似之处。In history the phenomena of women’s usurping the state leadership and running amuck like hens crying cock-a-doodle-doo had many similarities.
❍ 总为牝晨致家累,可怜不久尽销亡! (《三国演义》349) But the women folk troubled their states,|And,meddling,confusing made; |It was mournful indeed to see|How quickly the house decayed.

牝鸡司晨pin ji si chen

a hen heralding the break of day—a woman ruling the roost

牝鸡司晨pìn jī sī chén

牝鸡:母鸡;司:掌管;晨:早晨。母鸡在早晨打鸣。比喻妇女篡权乱政。the grey mare is the better horse, a woman usurping man’s power, the wife wears the breeches





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