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单词 drum
释义 drum1 /drAm; drAm/ n 1 (music) percussion instrument made of a hollow cylinder or hemisphere with parchment stretched over the open side(s), → the illus at percussion; sound of a ~ or ~s, or sound as of ~s. (音乐)鼓(参看 percussion 之插图); 鼓声; 似鼓之声。 '~fire, heavy- continuous rapid fire from big guns. 猛烈的连珠炮火。 ~head court-martial, one held while military operations are in progress, in order to try an offender without delay. 战地临时军法审判。 ~ head service, open-air military church service in which ~s form an altar. (军中之)野外礼拜式(用鼓形成祭坛)。 ,~-'major, sergeant in charge of drummers, and leader of a regimental band on the march; (US) (also 亦作, ~- majo'rette / ,me1zs'ret; zmed33'rEt/) leader of any marching band. 领导鼓手和圈乐队的士官; (美)乐队队长。 '—stick, a stick for beating a 鼓槌。 b lower part of the leg of a cooked chicken, turkey, etc. 鸡腿(指煮熟的鸡,火鸡等的腿的下部)。 2 sth like a ~ in shape, eg a cylindrical container for oil, a cylinder or barrel on which thick wire or cable is wound. 鼓状物(例如装油的圆筒状容器, 缠绕粗铁丝或绩的卷轴)。 → ear'(1).




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