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单词 drink
释义 drink1 /dni)k; dnijk/ n [C, U] 1 liquid for drinking: 嵌料: We should die without food and ~. 我们如果没有饮食必死。 We have plenty of bottled ~s, beer, lemonade, etc in bottles. 我们着很多瓶装饮料(瓶装啤酒,棒样水等)。 2 alcoholic liquor: 酒: What about a ~? 欢杯酒如何? I'll bring in the ~s, eg the gin, whisky, sherry. 我去把酒拿来。 He's too fond of 他太菱饮酒。 be in ~ /th。worse for ~ /under the influence of ~,intoxicated: 酒醉: He's a good husband except when he's in ~. 他在不醉酒的时候是一个好丈夫。 drive sb to ~, cause him to take to ~:使某人嗜酒? Mrs Bell's bad temper drove her husband to 贝尔太太的坏脾气使得她丈夫耽于酒。 take to ~, acquire the habit of drinking regularly and too much. 嗜酒。 3 the ~, (sl) the sea. (U)海。




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