片面unilateral;one-sided ~地看问题take a one-sided view of things/~追求产值,忽视效益seek only increased output value (or exclusively pursue output value)while neglecting economic results/~追求和盲目攀比速度single-mindedly compete for the fastest economic growth/~追求升学率place undue emphasis on the proportion of graduates entering schools of a higher level/~的立法unilateral legislation /~的做法lopsided approach/~废止unilateral abrogation (or repudiation)/~观点lopsided (or onesided) view/~强调put undue emphasis on/~撕毁协议unilaterally tear up an agreement/~宣布declare unilaterally /~性one-sided;one-sidedness/ ~之词 account given one party only;one party’s version/~废弃unilateral denunciation/~解释unilateral interpretation/~决定unilateral decision |