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单词 片言只字

片言只字片纸只字;片言只语piàn yán zhī zì

disconnected phrases; fragmentary sayings;fragments of writing; just (/only) a few words; just a short note; words and phrases taken (/torn/quoted)out of context
❍ 举一点例罢,自从我万不得已,选登了一篇极平和的纠正刘半农先生的 “林则徐被俘”之误的来信以后,他就不再有片纸只字……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—71) To take one example,after I was forced to publish a letter containing a very mild correction of some slips made by Mr Liu Bannong in his “Capture of Lin Zexu,” he never wrote another word for us.
❍ 可惜的是,那样珍贵的东西,现在连~也没有保存下来,真是千古遗憾! (杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》59) The great pity of it is that not a single word or sentence of these valuable writings has been preserved.

片言只字piàn yán zhī zì

片言:简短的几句话;只字:单个的字、词。只有几句话,很少的几个字。形容说话很少,也指零碎不全的文字材料。just a few words or a short note, disconnected phrases, just a short note





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