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单词 爱老慈幼

爱老慈幼ài lǎo cí yòu

have gentle concern for the old and the very young; give one’s loving goodness to old and young alike
❍ 以及家中仆从老小,想他素日怜贫惜贱、~之恩,莫不悲号痛哭。(《红楼梦》146)❶…while not one of the servants but wept for grief recollecting her compassion for the poor and humble and her loving goodness to old and young alike.
❷…even the servants,irrespective of sex and age,remembering her compassion for the poor and humble and gentle concern for the old and the very young,all wept and lamented as loud and bitterly as the rest.

爱老慈幼ài lǎo cí yòu

慈:慈爱,和善。指爱护老人和儿童。take good care of the old and young, give one’s loving goodness to old and young alike





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更新时间:2025/3/3 18:02:57