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单词 爱憎分明

爱憎分明ài zēng fēn míng

understand (/be clear about) what to love and what to hate; make a clear distinction (/draw a clear demarcation line) between love and hatred; know what merits one’s love or one’s hate; know whom to love and whom to hate; show unequivocal love and hatred
❍ 向雷锋同志学习~的阶级立场,言行一致的革命精神,公而忘私的共产主义风格,奋不顾身的无产阶级斗志。(周恩来题词) Learn from Comrade Lei Feng’s clear-cut class stand on what to hate and what to love,his revolutionary spirit of fitting actions to his words,his communist style of working selflessly for public interest,and his pro letarian fighting will that defies personal danger.
❍ 甥儿尊敬舅父有骨气 有正义感,~; …… (杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》32) The nephew respected his uncle for his moral integrity,his sense of justice and his ability to know what merits his love or his hate; …


love and hate without ambiguity;be clear whom to love and whom to hate;know what to love and what to hate

爱憎分明ài zēnɡ fēn mínɡ

指爱什么和恨什么分得很清楚。be clear about what to love and what to hate, know whom to love and whom to hate, make a clear distinction, unequivocal love and hatred





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