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❶ (爬行) crawl; creep: 犯人从一个洞里 ~ 出去逃跑了。 The prisoner crawled through a hole and escaped. 那条蛇 ~ 进洞里。 The snake has crawled into a hole. 一种孤独感 ~ 上我的心头。 A lonely feeling crept upon my spirit.
❷ (抓着东西往上去; 攀登) climb; clamber; scramble: ~ 山 [绳; 树] climb a mountain [rope; tree]; 墙上 ~ 满了常春藤。 The wall is covered all over with ivy.
❸[书] (用指甲搔) scratch: ~ 背 scratch one's back
❹[书] (刨; 扒) dig; rake
❺ (伏; 趴) lie on one's stomach; lie prone; lean on; bend over
❻ (用手或别的东西拨拉东西) move with the hand, a stick, etc.: ~ 饭 rake rice into the mouth with chopsticks Ⅱ ❶ [书] (一种有齿的农具) rake
❷(姓氏) a surname: ~ 兴 Pa Xing
◆爬虫 reptile; 爬动 creeping; 爬杆 jungle gym; 爬竿 {体} pole-climbing; climbing pole; 爬高 altitude; gain; mount; {地气} ascent; 爬犁 [方] sledge; sleigh; 爬坡 climbing; 爬山 climb mountains; 爬山虎 {植} Boston ivy; Virginia creeper; creepers; 爬山涉水 climb hills [mountains] and ford streams; climb mountains and cross rivers; climb up the mountains and cross the streams; traverse mountains and wade through rivers; 爬山越岭 scramble up the hills; climb mountain heights and negotiate mountain ranges; over hills and crests; 爬上 climb; get up; scale; 爬升 {航空} climbout; swash; climb; mobility; 爬行 crawl; creep; serpent; 爬泳 {体} the crawl; crawl stroke; Australian crawl; overarm stroke





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