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单词 draw
释义 draw2 /dro:; dro/ vt, vi (pt drew) /dru: ; dru/, pp drawn /drxn; dron/ 1 [VP6A, 15B, 14] move by pulling: 拉; 牵: 'to ~ a boat (up) out of the water/on to the beach; 将一小船拉出水(至滩上); to ~ one's chair up to the table; 把椅子拉至桌旁; to ~ sb aside, eg to speak to him quietly; 将某人拉到一边(例如与其悄悄说话); f。 ~ on/off one's socks / gloves / tights; 穿上(脱下) 机子(手套,紧身衣); to ~ a curtain across a window; 将窗帘拉上; to ~ down the blinds (of windows); 将百叶窗拉下; to ~ one's belt tighter; 拉紧裤带; to ~ one's pen through a word, cross it out. 划去一字。 The fisherman drew in his net. 那渔人将网拉危。 2 [VP6A, 15B] (esp) move by pulling after or behind: (尤指)拖; 虫, : a train ~n by two locomotives; 由两个机车拖行的火车; tractor- ~ n ploughs. 曳引机拖动的辈。 The wagon was being ~n by two horses. 这货车由两匹马拖着。 3 [VP6A, 15B, 14] ~ (out); ~ (from/out of), take or get out by pulling; extract: 抽出; 拔出: to ~ a cork, out of a bottle; (自瓶上)拔出软木塞; to ~ nails from a plank; 自厚板 Jt 拔出钉; to have a tooth ~ n; 拔牙; to ~ stumps, (cricket) pull them out at the end of play; (板球戏)比赛终了时抜去标柱; fo ~ trumps, (in card games such as bridge) cause them to be played; (牌戏,例如桥牌)吊王牌; to ~ cards from a pack; 自一副纸牌中抽取牌; r。 ~ for partners, eg when about to play a card game, allow this to decide the question; (Kx 牌等之前)抽牌以决定合伙人; to ~ lots, lot(1); 抽参 j to ~ the winner, get a ticket, etc at a lottery, on which there is a payment, prize, etc; 抽奖; 抽彩; to ~ a gun (on sb), take it from its holster, ready for use. 拔枪(对着某人)。 ~s blank, find nothing. 落空; 未发现任何东西。 ~ sb's teeth, make him harmless. 使不能为害。 4 [VP6A, 14] ~ (from/out of), obtain from a source: 自一来源获取; 提取: to ~ water from a well; 由井中汲水; to ~ cider/beer from a cask/barrel; 由鬲中汲取苹果酒(啤酒); to ~ one's salary; 领薪; ro ~ money from the bank/ from one's account; 自银行(本人帐户)中提款; ,。 ~ rations, get, receive, supplies (of food, etc) from a store; 百店市取得粮食; ,。 ~ inspiration from nature. 由自然获得灵感。 What moral are we to ~ from this story? 我们从这个故事里体会到什么敎训? ~ it mild, (orig of beer; fig) be moderate; not exaggerate. (最初指啤酒,现为比喻用法)适度; 不夸张。 ~ tears/applause, etc, be the cause of: 引起眼泪(鼓掌尊): Her singing drew long applause. 她南歌声引起历时甚久的掌声。 5 [VP6A, 14, 15B, 2A] ~ (to), attract: 吸弓 I: Street accidents always ~ crowds. 街上发生的祸事总是吸引群众。 The film drew large audiences. 这影片吸引了许多观众。 He drew (=called) my attention to a point I had overlooked. 他提醒我注意我忽略了的一点。 She didn't feel ~ n towards him, There was nothing in his character, behaviour, etc that attracted her. 她对他没有好感(他的性格,举止等不能吸引她)。 6 [VP6A, 15B] take in: 吸入: [ 。 ~ → deep breath; 深深吸一口气; stop to ~ breath, to rest after exertion. 歇息。 ~ one's first/last breath, be born/die. 降生(死亡)。 7 [VP2A] (of a chimney, etc)allow a current of air to flow through; be built so that air and smoke pass up or through: (指烟囱等)通风; 通气: This chimney badly. 这烟囱的通风情况不佳。 This cigar does not ~ well. 这枝雪茄不太通 Ko 8 [VP6A, 15B] ~ sb (out), cause, persuade, (a person) to talk, show his feelings, etc: 使(二入)吐露其情感等: He was not to be ~ n, He refused to say anything about the matter. 他不愿吐露真情。 He has many interesting stories of his travels if you can ~ him out. 如果你能说动他, 血有许多关于他的旅行的有趣的故事讲给你听。 9 [VP2C, D] move; come (in the- direction indicated by the adv, etc): 移动; 到来(移动方向按照其后之副词等而定): Christmas is ~ing near. 圣诞节快到了。 The day drew to its close. 这一天要过完了。 The two ships drew level. 这两条船并排行驶。 The favourite began to ~ (=gain) on the other runners. 那匹众所认为会获胜的马开始逼近其他的马。 The Queen's horse quickly drew away from the others, went ahead of them. 女王的马迅速地超越了其他的马。 Everyone drew back in alarm. 每个人都惊慌而后退。 When the enemy saw how strong our forces were, they drew off, went back. 敌人发现我们的兵力是多么强大时,他们就撤退了。 10 [VP6A, 15B] cause to move or come (in the direction indicated by the adv, etc): 使移动(其方向按照后面的副词等而定): He drew himself up to his full height, stood in an erect, stiff attitude. 他笔直地站着。 11 [VP6A, 2A] make with a pen, pencil, chalk, etc: 绘,画: to ~ a straight line/a circle; 划一直线(圆周); to ~ a picture/plan/diagram; 绘制图画(平面图,图表); to ~ a horse. 划一匹鸢。 She ~ swell. 她画得好。 (fig) describe in words: (喻)描写: _J[he characters in Jane Austens novels are well ~n. 珍奥斯汀的小说里的人物描写得很好。 ~s distinction (between), point out differences; show the dividing line. 指出(…之)不同; 指出界线。 ~ parallel/comparison/analogy (between), show how two things are alike. 指出 (…之)相似盘。 ~ the line (at), set limits; declare what cannot be allowed; ref use to go as far as or beyond: 限制; 划定界限; 宣布不许做之事; 不肯做到或超越某种程度: I don't mind lending him my razor, but I ~ the line at lending him my toothbrush. 我不介意把剃刀借给他,但我不能把我的牙刷借给他。 12 [VP6A, 15B] write out: 写: to ~ a bill/a cheque/an order (on a banker, etc, for a sum of money). 开票据(支票,汇票)(与 on 连用,后接银行业者等; 与 for 连用,后接开出的款数)。 13 [VP6A] (of a ship) require (a certain depth of water) in order to float, cdraught(3): (指船) 吃(水): The ship ~s 20 feet of water. 这船屹水二十呎。 14 [VP6A, 2A] end (a game, etc) without either winning or losing: 不分胜负地结束(比赛等): to ~ a football or cricket match; 不分胜负地结束一足球或板球赛; a ~ rt game; 不分胜负的比赛; to ~ 2—2. 二比二平手。 The teams drew. 这些队赛成平手。 15 [VP6A, 2A, B] extract the essence of: 吸取…之精华: to let the tea ~ for three minutes. 盘茶泡三务钟。 16 (usu in pp) (of the features) pull out of shape: (通常用通去分词) (指面貌)拉之使变形: a face ~ zi with pain/anxiety; 因痛苦(忧虑) 而扭曲的面孔; with features. 眉蹙嘴歪。 17 [VP2C, 3A, 14, 15B] (special uses with preps and adverbial particles): 演介词及副词接语连用的特殊用法): draw back, (fig) show unwillingness: (喻)表示不愿意 ~ back from a proposal. 不愿接受建凯 drawback ⑴ . draw in, (of a day) (指白昼) a reach its end. 结束。 b become shorter: 巍短: The days begin to ~ in after midsummer. 仲夏之后白度开始变短了。 draw on. (of a period of time) approach: (指一段时间)接近: Night drew on. 夜即来临。 ~ on sth/sb, take or use as a source: 用做来源 : If newspaperman cannot get facts for their stories, they sometimes ~ on their imaginations. 如果记者们采访不到事实真相来写报导,他们有时就凭想像力去编造。 We mustn't ~ on our savings. 我们不可挪用我们的积蓄。 You fnay ~ on me for any sum up to £500, get sums up to this maximum from me er my agents. 五百镑以内的款项我可以借给你。 ~ sb on, attract, entice him. 吸引某人; 诱惑某人。 draw out. (of a day) become-longer: (指白昼)变长: Christmas passed and the days began to ~ out. 圣诞节过了,白昼开始变长。 sth out, stretch; cause to become longer: 伸展; 使变长: He heated the metal and drew it out into a long wire. 他将那金属烧热,并将它拉成一条长的金属线。 There was a longn-out discussion. 有过长时间的讨论。 He has ~ n out the subject into three volumes. 他将这题日加以引伸,写了三毎。 ~ sb out, c8 above. 参看上列第 8 义。 draw (sth/sb) up, a (of a vehicle) (cause to) come to a stop: 车辆)(使)停止: The taxi drew up in front of the station. 计程车驶至车站前面停下。 b prepare; compose: 预备; 草拟: to ~ up a contract. 草拟一合约。 c (usu passive) (of troops, etc) bring into regular order: (通常用被动语态)(指军队等)使排列整齐; 列队: The troops were ~〃 up ready for the inspection. 军队排列整齐准备接受检阅。




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