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单词 熟视无睹

熟视无睹shú shì wú dǔ

be blind (/indifferent)to (sth familiar); close one’s eyes to; fail to notice things of everyday occurrence;ignore (completely)the familiar; not see sth right under one’s nose; not see what has become a familiar sight;refuse to see sth that is before one’s eyes; take no notice of sth(familiar); turn a blind eye to (what one sees every day);/金树旺想起在延安整风时文件里一句 “~” 的话来,觉得老曹因为很熟悉这个同志,竟不重视这个同志新的开展。(柳青《铜墙铁壁》21) Jin thought of the phrase that appeared in an essay during the rectification campaign at Yanan—about those who “can’t see the forest for the trees.”He felt that Cao didn’t attach enough weight to Defu’s development because he knew him so intimately.
❍ 如果我们身为中国共产党员,却对于中国问题~,只能记诵马克思主义书本上的个别的结论和个别的原理,那末,我们在理论战线上的成绩就未免太坏了。(《毛泽东选集》772) Our achievements on the theoretical front will be very poor indeed if,as members of the Communist Party of China,we close our eyes to China’s problems and can only memorize isolated conclusions or principles from Marxist writings.
❍ 旧社会死去的苦痛,新社会生出的苦痛,多少放在他眼前,他竟~!(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—24) All the death agonies of the old society and the birth pangs of the new are before his eyes,but he refuses to see them.
❍ 商品这个东西,千百万人,天天看它,用它,但是~。(《毛泽东选集》) 755) Millions of people saw and handled commodities every day but were so used to them that they took no notice.


turn a blind eye to;pay no heed to;ignore
对不良倾向决不能~。We must not turn a blind eye (or shut our eyes to)unhealthy tendencies.

熟视无睹shú shì wú dǔ

熟视:长时间看;睹:看见。经常看见的,却像没看见一样。形容对事物漠不关心。ignore, turn a blind eye to what one sees everyday, be in different to





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