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单词 retain
retain/rɪ′teɪn/ vt

(1)保持(留,有)(keep possession of;continue to have)[T+n](尤fml):~one's post as minister of finance/the governorship of Mississippi/the secretary-generalship 保留(继续担任)财政部长的职位/密西西比州的州长/秘书长的职务;~heat/one's balance 保持热量/平衡;~one's characteristics/all one's interest in life/some independence/a certain reserve and dignity 保持自己的特点/自己生活中所有的兴趣/一定程度的独立/某种沉默与尊严;~control of the situation 仍控制着局势;You must~your tickets. 必须保留票据。The flowers~their scent. 这些花仍有香味。〖同〗preserve,keep possession of;

(2)记住(remember sth without difficulty)[T+n](尤fml):~knowledge/information 记住知识/信息;~the numbers/the dates/the facts 记住那些数字/日期/事实;~the tune but not the words of the song 记得那首歌的曲调,但记不住歌词;Be sure to take notes since you can't possibly~everything he says. 既然你不可能记住他所说的每件事,那么一定要记笔记。~a clear impression/memory of the accident 对那一事故印象很深/记得很清楚;〖同〗remember,recollect;

(3)挡(存、拦)住(prevent sth fallingrunningetc out)[T+n](尤fml):build a wall/a dyke to~the water from the river/the floods 修一座屏障/一座堤坝以挡住那条河的水/洪水;soil/plants that~(s)water/moisture 能保存水份/湿气的土壤/植物;The cracked jar can't~water. 那个有裂纹的坛子存不住水。a~ing wall 土埝;挡土墙;〖同〗hold,keep;

(4)聘请(律师)(engage the service of a lawyer by the payment of a fee)[T+n](尤fml):~a lawyer 聘请一位律师;a~ing fee 律师费;

→ re′tainer n 律师费;侍从;(为保留所租用的房子而付的)定金;re′tention n 保持(留);记忆力;挡(留)住;re′tentive adj 有保持力的;(记忆力)强的;






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