释义 |
熊xiónɡⅠ ❶ (哺乳动物) bear: 白 [黑, 棕] ~ polar [black, brown] bear; 狗 ~ Asiatic black bear ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 罴 Xiong Pi Ⅱ [方] (斥责) rebuke; upbraid; scold: 别老是 ~ 人。 Don't scold too much. ◆熊胆 {中药} bear gall; fel ursi; 熊果 black bearberry; larb; bilberry; bearberry; fox plum; kinnikinnick; 熊果酸 ursolic acid; 熊虎之将 a brave general; 熊猫 panda; 熊罴入梦 a congratulatory greeting to a friend when he begets a son; 熊市 bearish market; 熊心豹胆 tremendous bravery [courage]; 熊熊烈火 raging flames; 熊腰虎背 with a bear's loin and a tiger's back; thick powerful back (and shoulder) tough and strong熊掌 bear's-paw (pl. bear's-paws) |