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单词 down
释义 down2 /daun; daun/ adv part 1 (with vv of motion) from a high(er) level to a iow(cr) level: (与表示动作之动词连用)向下; 自高至低: The sun went ~. 太阳下山了。 The flag was hauled ~ at sunset. 日落时旗被降下。 If you can't jump ~, climb ~. 如果你不能跳下来,就爬下来。 Some kinds of food g 。~ ( = can be swallowed) more easily than others. 有些食物比别的食物容易呑下。 2 (with vv of motion) from an upright position to a horizontal position: (与表示动作的动词连用)倒下; 自直立的位置到横亲的位置: He was knocked ~ by a bus. 他被公共汽塞撞倒了。 If you're tired, go and lie ~. 如果你累了,就去躺下。 He's ~ (= ill in bed) with flu. 他因患流行性感冒而卧在床上。 Don't hit a man when he's ~, (fig) attack him when he has suffered mis-fortune, etc. (喻)不要落井下石; 不要打落水狗。 3 (with vv indicating change of stance but not of position in space) to or in a lower position or direction: (与动词连用表示姿态的变动,而非位置的移动)至较低位置; 朝下: Sit please. 请坐。 The tall man bent ~ to speak to me. 那员个子胄下腰对我讲话。 4 (with vv indicating position or state): (与动词连用表示位置或状态): Mary isn't ~ yet, is not yet dressed and downstairs. 玛莉还没有穿好衣服下楼来。 We can't use the telephone—the lines are all ~,> on the ground, eg after a storm. 我们不能打电话 —— 电话线都掉在地上了(例如暴风雨后)。 The river is ~, back to its normal height, eg after a flood. 河水退了(例如泛滥后退至正常水位)。 5 from a more important place (eg the capital) to a less important place; from an inland place 4o the coast; from the university: 自重要地点(例如首都)至次要地点; 自内陆至海岸; 自大学: We went ~ to Brighton (eg> from London) for the weekend, 我们去布来顿(例如从伦敦)度周末。 The Bill was sent ~ (from the House of Lords) to the House of Commons. 该项议案(自上议院)送往下议院。 6 (used with vv to indicate reduction to a smaller volume, a lower degree, a state of less activity, etc): (与动词连用,表示数量、程度、活动性等的减少): The heels of my shoes have worn ~. 我的鞋后跟磨屡了。 Boil the fat ~. 将脂肪熬一熬。 The wind died ~. 风势潮渐弱了。 The sea is ~ /has calmed ~, is, has become, calm. 海浪已平静了。 The fire is burning getting low. 火砂灭弱了。 One of the back tyres 打~, is flat or getting flat. 有一个后胎跑气了。 The clock has run needs to be wound up. 钟停了。 The temperature has gone ~. 温度已底低。 The price of fruit is ~. 水果的价格跌了。 7 (used with reference to writing) on paper: 《用以指书写)于纸上: to write sth ~; 将某事记下; to get sth ~, write it. 写下某事。 Please take ~ this letter, write it (eg in shorthand) as I dictate it. 请将这封信笔录下来(例如经我口授而用速记录下)。 Put me ~ /Put my name ~ for 50p, eg as willing to give this sum. 请把我的名字登记下来,我准备出五十便士(例如愿意织此款项时)。 I see you're ~ (= your name appears in the programme) for a speech at the next meeting. 我知道下次开会你要演说(节目表上有你的名字)。 8 from an earlier time (to a later time): 自较早时间(至较晚时间): the history of Europe ~ to 1914; 自古以迄 1914 年的欧洲史; looking ~ through the ages; 纵观古今; coming ~ to modern times. 以迄近代。 9 including the lower limit in a series: (指一系列中)由上至下; 由大至小: from ocean liners ~ to rowing-boats. 从班轮到划艇。 10 (in various phrases) (用于各种片语市) D~ with, let us be rid of: 打倒: D~ with the grammarians! 打倒文法学者! ~ under, (colloq) on the other side of the world from Europe (eg Australia). (俗)与欧洲对听之地(例如澳洲)。 up and ~, t。 and fro: 往返地: walking up and —. 走来走去 0 money/ cash ' ~,payment at the time of purchase (contrasted with'credit): 付现金(与 credit 相对): You must pay £10 ~. 你必须付十镑现金 。Hence, 由此产生, '~payment. (分期付款的)首次款。 be ~ and out, (colloq) (俗) a (boxing) be knocked out, unable to resume the fight. (拳赛)被击倒而不能继续比赛。 b (fig) be beaten in the struggle of life; be unemployed and without money, (喻)贫困潦倒; 落魄。 Hence, 由此产生,, ~-and 疽 out n [C]. get ~ to work/business, start work in real earnest. 认真南始工作。 be ~ on sb, feel ill-will towards him. 对某人不怀善意; 仇视某人。 ~ in the dumps, (colloq) dejected; in low spirits. (俗)沮丧; 心情木好。 ~ in the mouth, (colloq) sad-looking. 面攻忧明的。 ~ on one's luck, (colloq) having suffered misfortune. (俗)倒霍的。 come in the world, fall to a lower social position. 社会地位降低; 潦倒。 come ~ on sb, scold or rebuke him sharply. 严斥某人。 ,■~-to-'earth adj concerned with realities; practical (contrasted with impractical, vague, idealistic): 现实的; 实际的(与, impractical, vague, idealistic 相对): He's a ~-to-earth sort of felloe. 他是个现实的人。




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