释义 |
煎jiānⅠ ❶ (锅里放少量的油加热后,把食物放进去使表面变黄) fry in shallow oil: ~ 鸡蛋 fried eggs;~ 鱼 fried fish; 鸡蛋正在锅里 ~。 The eggs were frying in the pan. ~ 鱼要用慢火。 We should use slow fire to fry fish. ❷ (把东西放在水里煮,使所含的成分进入水中) simmer in water;decoct: ~ 药 decoct medicinal herbs Ⅱ (中药煎汁的次数) (for herb medicine) decoction: 二 ~ second decoction; 吃一 ~ 药就会好的。 One decoction will put you right. ◆煎熬 suffering;torture;torment; 煎饼 thin pancake made of millet flour,etc.; 煎法 decoction; 煎膏 condensed decoction; 煎剂 apozem;apozeme;apozema;elixation;decocta;decoctum; 煎汤熬药 brew a liquid preparation with medicinal herbs; 煎药 boil medicine;tisane; 煎炸 frying 煎fried 煎jiāndecocting; decoction |