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单词 doubt
释义 doubt1 /daut; daut/ n [U] uncertainty of mind; [C] feeling of uncertainty: 怀疑; 疑问; 疑虑: I have no ~ that you will succeed/no ~ of your ability. 我相信你会成功的(你的能力)。 There is not much ~ about his guilt, He is almost certainly guilty. 他有罪是没有多少问题的(是几乎可 XA 确定的)。 She had her ~s whether he would come. 她拿不准他是否会来 a 1 have my ~s as to/about this being true. 我怀疑这件事是否属实。 There is no room for ~, We can be quite certain about it. 没有怀疑的余地(我们可以确信)。 There is no ~ about it, It is certain. 这是确实的。 It became a matter of ~ (= became uncertain) whether.... 是否…尚未确定。, ” ~,uncertain: 拿不准; 不能确定: When in ~ about the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary. 你不能确定一个字的意义时,就去查一下字典。 He is in ~ (about) what to do. 他尚未确定做些什么。 beyond/past (all) ~; without (a) ~, certainly: 无疑地: Don't worry; he'll come back without ~. 不要担心,他一定会回未。 ” 。~,very probably: 多半; 十有八九: He meant to help, no ~, but in fact he has been a hindrance. 他原意是很想帮忙,但事实上他变成一个障碍了。 throw ~ upon sth, suggest that it is not to be regarded as certain or reliable. 怀疑。 benefit.




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