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单词 double
释义 double5 /'dAbl; 'dAbl/ adj, adv (in compounds) (用于复合字中)。 'barrelled adj (of a gun) having two barrels; (fig, of a compliment, etc) ambiguous; (of a surname) compound, hyphened (as Smith-Jones). (指枪)双管的; (喻, 指恭维语等)暧昧的; 含糊的; (指姓氏)楼合的(如 Smith-Jones) 。,~ - 'bass n largest and lowest-pitched instrument in the violin family. 最低音的最大提琴; 低音提琴。 → the illus at string. 参看 string 之插图。 'bedded adj (of a room) with two beds or a ~ bed. (指房间)有两张床的; 有双人床的。(Cf 参较 single-/twin-bedded.) ~ 'bind n dilemma. 进退两难之境。 t ~ breasted adj (of a coat or waistcoat) made so as to overlap across the front of the body. (指上衣或大衣)对襟的边排扣的。 'check vt check1 (1), twice in order to be certain. 检查两次。 ,~-'cross vt [VP6A] (colloq) cheat or betray. 沈)欺骗或出卖。 a n act of this kind. 欺骗; 出卖。 .-'dealer n person who says one thing and means another; deceiver. 口是心非之人; 编子. I— 'dealing n, adj deceit (ful) (esp in business). (尤指在商业上)诈欺(的)。 .—'decker n ship, tram, bus with two decks. 两层甲板的船; 双层的电车或公共汽车。 0 deck (2). dutch n (colloq) gibberish. (U)无意义的声音; 叽哩咕噜的谈话。 — 'dyed adj (chiefly fig) having certain qualities to a very high degree: (主作喻)深重的; 布头彻尾的: o ~-dyed scoundrel, deeply stained with guilt. 一个彻头彻尾的恶汉。 ~-'edged adj with two cutting edges; (fig, of an argument, compliment) that can be understood as being either for or against. 双刃的; (喻,指论据或恭维)正反两可的; 双关的。 I— 'entry n system of book-keeping in which each transaction is entered (written) on the debit side of one account and the credit side of another. 复式簿记(每笔帐在借方与贷方均登记一次的簿记方法)。 'faced adj (- two-faced) insincere. 口是心非的。 'first n a first-class honours degree in two principal subjects gained at the same time. 双重优等奖(同时获得两门主要科目的最高荣誉)》, ~ 'jointed adj having joints that allow the fingers (or arms, legs) to move or bend in unusual ways. 有可作不寻常活动或胄曲之 BS 节的。 ,'park vt, vi park a car at the side of a car already parked at the side of a street. 将车停在街边另一部车的旁边。 .—'quick adj, adv very quick(ly): 极迅速的(地):曲 ~-quick time. 非常快。 ~ 'take n delayed reaction to a situation. 反应迟钝。'talk n kind of talk that really means the opposite of, or sth quite different from, what it seems to mean. 反语; 所表示的意义与字面意义相反或相距甚远的谈话。 ' think n ability to believe two contradictory things. 相信二种矛盾事物的能力; 矛盾思想。




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